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Message ID: 12315
Date: Tue Jan 4 05:15:28 GMT 2000
Author: Abraham Hardjana
Subject: Re: Has anyone dueled a magician?

Hey Beatdrop....

The reason why your charm did not stick was the fact that you were still
grouped with the Magician. When grouped all spells and effects that are
harmful to your group members does not hit. I know for a fact that charm
works. Heck I used it on my bride to be two patches after the PvP charm
patch and it worked without a problem. If this is not the case then my
bride will spank this poor bard when we duel this coming Saturday...

Treilanin Loreweaver

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Beatdrop Battledrum wrote:

> From: "Beatdrop Battledrum" <Beatdrop@...>
> Last night I was in a group in Highkeep and we got on the topic of dueling. While I was running my mouth, the magician I was with challenged me to a duel. We were the same level (29) and I said what the hell. He had a fire elemental pet that was blue to me so I decided that the only way I would stand a chance would be to try to charm him into fighting his pet. Well, let me just say that I thought charm was only nerfed on the PvP servers and NOT in PvP mode. Wrong! So I start the duel with the thought of charming him. Hit the song, and wait, and wait, and wait... no pulse! WTF? So I try charming his pet that is now attacking me. Resist, resist, (thinking cool, its pulsing, gonna work), charm sticks but no charm! Instead I got a message saying 'This NPC cannot be charmed.' Dammit! NOOO! Meanwhile, I am getting the hell nuked out of me while trying to figure out what to do next. So I die. I pop back up and my opponents health bar is down (still grouped) and I hear 'Beat, Demi is getting the sh*t kicked out of him.' Come to find out, after looting my corpse, that after I died, his pet agro'd on him. Strange charm bug is what I am assuming.
> Has anyone on the list dueled a magician or a caster with a pet and won? He was a really cool guy and I asked him for a rematch some other time. My new tactic is just like how I would fight a wizzie, below him to death. His pet wasn't hitting to hard and I think I can solo his pet by melee and songs. So, I think I can take him by just staying on his butt and keeping his spells interrupted.
> Any other suggestions? I am also assuming that Screech won't work either.
> --
> ~Beatdrop Battledrum <Platinum Sphere>
> Child of Erollisi Marr
> Karana Server
> --
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.