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Message ID: 12414
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:52:41 GMT 2000
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: Nagafen 2; Sylly 0

Last week I said a very tearful good bye to my very first guild family: The
Spirit of the Moon. They are one of the best ever guilds in all of Norrath
and I will always love them. For a few days, I wandered the realm of
Norrath alone. Then one night, I received a call from some friend's both old
and new. Come to LavaStorm!

Gallenite points at Sylly. Yeah, you! "Will you do us the honor of joining
our guild?"

"Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! I would be deeply honored to do so!!!" <clicks on join>

So now, Sylly is a very proud member of The Pantheon and re-untied with her
long time friends: Nadare 50 Enchanter, Xaera 50 Shadow Knight, Moods 50
Cleric (we were all level 10's at the same time waaaaaay back when - well
actually I have grown up with 2 each of their chars because they restarted
new ones and level quite fast.)

Anyhow, on the first night as an official member of the guild we went to
visit Nagafen's Lair. I followed as they led me in. Deeper and deeper,
down tunnels I had been previously warned not to go. Watching in awe as my
group and others dispatched many vile creatures. Sonic bats, not just one
but many lava duct crawlers, stone spiders I had never even seen.

Then we gathered and buffed and such. We readied our selves for the first
of many fire giants. The call was given and the group moved forth. OMG!!!
I have fallen into the lava!! Oh this is bad! So, I try not to panic and
realize that I do have some time so I better try to get somewhere easy to
recover. I manage to find a small piece of terrain to cling to and if I
keep swimming/running forward, it holds me far enough out of the lava to
stop the damage. So, I sit out my first fire giant battle clinging
hopelessly to some ledge, totally lost and scared. After the fire giants
fall, they send a brave ranger to swim in the lava and find me! Follow me!!
And back in I go and swim to a place where we can get out! Whew - that was

Then another battle with the fire giants. And another. And another. And
another. They cleared rooms and places I know nothing of. When they said
move forward, I did. Yet more battles as we dispatched the named warlords
and wizards. Eventually we were in very deep and looking at the entrance to
the Lair.

One the first night, the dragon was not home. On the second night, we did
it again - and again he was not home. On the third night (New Year's Eve),
Lord Nagafen graced us with his presence. My role in the final attack was
to provide MR buff for a tank group. Elemental & Guardian with the MM Battle
Drum. My first fight with a dragon was short but sweet! All these months
had finally paid off and to be here with such great comrades was truly an
honor. "You have been slain by Lord Nagafen!" If ya gotta go, there's not
too many better ways to die.

From the excellent clerical services on hand, life was restored to my
forlorn body and we recovered for another attempt. This time I decided to
not get quite so close to the dragon quite so soon but was still mindful to
keep my tanks within song range so that they would benefit from the magical
music. The second attack lasted quite a bit longer for me. Nagafen's
health was dwindling away and I thought for sure I would see a dragon
fall!!! But alas, I have been slain once again. I sit and mem songs in the
dusty streets of East Freeport. Wondering, hoping, wishing... Soon,
"Consent me, Sylly" and I do knowing that a brave monk is about to pull my
body from literally beneath a dragon.

And once again they bring me back to life, back in the Lair, I play the mana
song even before beginning to loot. The clerics I am regrouped with are
working very hard resurrecting folks as fast as mana permits. And in time
everyone is back with a feeling that even though Lord Nagafen bested us -
there will indeed be another time when we shall prevail!

Sylly Songsynger
<The Pantheon>
Bard of the 40th song
somewhere on Innoruuk