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Message ID: 12446
Date: Wed Jan 5 14:54:47 GMT 2000
Author: Greg Gillan
Subject: RE: Nagafen 2; Sylly 0

Okay, I've got to disagree with this one too. I've been on about 15-20
dragon raids now, and we can fairly reliably kill the big suckers with 24
people now. Often without any casualties.

On lag, I agree here. Dragons seem to cause a lot of lag, I assume because
of their size, but I don't really know. I find it extremely difficult to
twist 2 songs here, so tend to stick to just one. I'll use Elemental
Rhythems with a MM drum. I've tried twisting Elemental and Guardian, but
I've found rather than risk one of them dropping, its best just to stick
with Elemental. If your lag is good enough that you can twist 2, go for it.
I'm jealous.

Here's the kicker, and I can't stress this enough. Fire/Cold resists are
EVERYTHING. If you've got a base resist of 25, you're not even allowed to
come becuase you'll be more of a liability than an asset. Standing rule is
to have a FR/CR base of at least 80 UNBUFFED. With resist cold/fire and
bard song on top of this, you should have something in the range of 180
CR/FR. Even this isn't great. Over 200 is better. I'm currently in the
220 range, and I'm shooting for 255. Its true that you'll still be taking
almost full damage at 125 resist. People see this and say "resists don't
matter" but they can't be more wrong. Low resists don't matter. High
resists are the difference between a successful dragon raid and a 2 hour
corpse recovery.

A buffed Magic Resist of 150 at level 50 has been enough to resist every
single fear thrown against us. I have NEVER been feared with a MR in this
range. Since we can achieve this 150 with only Elemental playing, there's
not a real need for me to twist in a second song anyway.

This is a bit of a hot topic for me. Currently my guild (and our allies)
are the only people on our server that can reliable take down a dragon. We
don't keep secrets. We try to explain to other people what needs to be done
to make one of these events successful. Yet still people show up saying
"anyone got any extra resist gear?" or "is 40 resist high enough?" These
people, without fail, time after time, are the first to die.

Elwyn Heartstring
Level 50 Bard, Erollisi Marr (youngest server to ever kill Nagafen)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Honeyman [mailto:honeyman@...]
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 5:31 PM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Nagafen 2; Sylly 0

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> Lord Nagafen graced us with his presence. My role in the final attack was
> to provide MR buff for a tank group. Elemental & Guardian with the MM
> Drum.

(geared toward Sylly, but I'd like opinions on this line of thinking)

It's not worth your time to twist those songs. Here's why from
my limited experience in both planes, and inside info from
other servers dragon raids:

1) Lag. You will be lucky to even get twisting in.
With my P3-450, 128MB, TNT2 Ultra machine with all options
off... detail, pc names, effects, my misses, your misses,
your hits, all spell, all song, I still got lagged something
horrible. It's the location server trying to update 30 people
in a very tight area, nothing you can do about it.

2) You will get more attention than you wanted, starting and stopping
a song draws attention, an adhorrent thought so as it tripled me
for 135. Cazic Thule thought so when I twisted and he clobbered
me in the 170s. That said, oh well, you gotta twist, so twist
the right stuff ;)

3) Ok, so you are gonna lag and get beat up a little. You still
need to twist. Here's the kicker. Your COLD/HEAT bonus from
those songs doesn't do much. AE Breath will hit for normal if
your resistance is 25 or 125. Take it for what it's worth,
and you may not believe it, but it's confirmed. Now, you may partial
resist the dmg, but it's barely accountable to the resist level.
The biggest single problem is the AE fear when doing dragons.
The best save vs. that fear is being L50... a fear on you even
with MR over 200 at L40 will stick.

4) Your damage counts. I've seen so many people say, Argh! He
only had a sliver left. Think if you added your 400 - 500 dmg
into the attack? You've got weapons, use em!

Oh wait... hehe, L41 is mystic shielding.

Verant was smart in this way, they gave you a song that boosts
MR by 60 (at L50) without using instruments or twisting songs.
Verses of Victory is amazing... ac20, str30, dex30, atkspeed inc.

I never went on dragon trips because you need the right people
for the job. Extra people or wrong people just clutter up the
scenery and lag everyone. Back in the day we only had like 40
L50's, now we have over 200. It's just a matter of picking and

No disrespect, cause I love ya a lot girl, but L40 bards aren't
cut out for dragon raids, unless the server is scrapped for people
at the time of the raid. Simply because the songs you really
need are higher up, and the level difference really hurts your
DragonFear resist and ability to strike the monster. As much
as I wanted to go to do them in the past, I had to defer the
work to someone more experienced. Which is exactly what I did.

Bust your ass so we can fight together at full power (L50) again.
