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Message ID: 12470
Date: Wed Jan 5 17:22:38 GMT 2000
Author: silky@xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: RE: Powerleveling bards (was Cazic Thule Slain....]

When the new server came up - I decided to try a wizard - never had a
wizard, and didn't much care for a lot of ones I'd met in the past - but
willing to give it a shot. One thing I CAN say - having played a bard for
so very long (and enchanter - both group oriented classes) I find my basic
nature and tactics carry over.

No matter what other class you may play - I guess if you play a bard long
enough, you observe what NOT to do with other classes.

Just hit 20 last night in unrest - memmed my new spells - and which one did
I use most? Stun. My party was shocked and amazed that a wizard LIKED to
stun, hehehehe.

As far as powerleveling - I guess my only experience there is on the
helping side with my bard. A 20something bard - at the right camp, with
lullaby - is a newbies first and bestest friend. My husband calls himself
permanewbie - he tends to get really frustrated around lvl 15 and start all
over again. Many is the time I've used the generic bandit camp in lesser
faye to help lower level friends train - starting, oh...bout lvl 7 or 8 -
just as soon as they can hit the blasted things. Pull with a bellow and
just lullaby, bard hate at it's finest. Since they can't hit me, they can't
hurt me - and they hardly ever switch targets to that little bug biting
their backside. Can do the same thing in Crusbone.

So, while we may not be the best powerlevelers in the game ourselves - we
are a very powerful tool to help folks crawl out of the plain vanilla
newbie levels.

And - it never hurts to have lvl 50's remember you in the months to come

At 07:55 AM 1/5/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Actually, clerics have more options than just healing. So do wizards (though
>to a smaller extent)
>Clerics have Quite good stuns that sometimes it is worth taking another look
>The most important skills to learn, IMHO, are how to be a good group member.
>Everything else can be taught. If you're willing to listen, to die, and to
>stay and help recover corpses.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ryan Honeyman [mailto:honeyman@...]
>>Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 7:30 AM
>>> Powerleveling anyone can be easily done with a higher (lvl 24 spells I
>>> think) druid. They just buff you up some, especially getting their
>>> damage shield, then heal you while you fight reds. My friend shot up
>>> his guildmate from 8-12 in a few hours...
>> My point is with a bard you dont just click one button to do something.
>> Powerleveling a bard is useless, if they dont know what they are doing.
>> Most bards I see don't know what they are doing anyway. (ie: bellow)
>> With clerics, it's easy - they heal. With wizards, it's easy - the
>> blast. Powerleveling a class who has to adapt and think is much more
>> difficult, which was the thing I was getting at.