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Message ID: 12528
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:38:25 GMT 2000
Author: Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)
Subject: RE: Trading Advice

agreed. and i do the same, as i recently finally got the arms, my last
piece. i love my mith, but i love full imbrued too hehe. damn i lost 7 STR
tho, what will i tell Harm?

and since this is a trade thread, lemme ask for advice. i was offerred
efreeti boots for my mith arms. my guild said not to. then i was offered
efreeti boots and a ykesha for my mith arms. now i wouldn't use the ykesha
since i have both hate weps, but i owe someone a ykesha and could get boots
to my wiz. what do you think of that trade?

Shada Bladestorm, L50 Wood Elf Bard
Tyria Sarkin, L35 High Elf Wizard
<Afterlife> Mithaniel Marr Server

> From: SteelWolf <steelwolf@...>
> I think silver-plated legs are better than mithril greaves for bards,
> but this is just my opinion. Mithril Vambraces on the other
> hand simply
> cannot be beat by anything else a bard can equip. The arms
> are ac 10 +7
> str +5 sv magic if my memory is serving me well, while
> imbrued are ac 16
> +9 intel +10 sv vs poison. The mithril still have clearly better stat
> modifiers than imbrued, but I wear the imbrued for 1)
> color-matching, 2)
> I felt it would be selfish to keep mithril when I was lucky enough to
> have gotten planes armor (mithril goes back to guild), 3) That ac 16
> becomes +27 ac with my AGI.