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Message ID: 12598
Date: Thu Jan 6 02:53:46 GMT 2000
Author: Miriana
Subject: Harmonic's Distorted view of Dragon Raids (and some P.S.'s for Sylly)

Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun on your last name Harmonic :P.

Harmonic, having never been on a succesful Dragon raid on Innoruuk I'm
surprised to see your... confidence by which say these things.

> 1) Lag. You will be lucky to even get twisting in.

I have a crappy computer. I turn everything off, play in a tiny window,
and I can still twist 2 songs fine during a Dragon raid.

> 2) You will get more attention than you wanted, starting and stopping

Nagafen has never melee'd me the 2 times my bard went on a SUCCESFUL
dragon raid. Attention isn't the issue at all, it's surviving his AE dmg
and fear.

> 3) Ok, so you are gonna lag and get beat up a little. You still
> need to twist. Here's the kicker. Your COLD/HEAT bonus from
> those songs doesn't do much. AE Breath will hit for normal if
> your resistance is 25 or 125. Take it for what it's worth,
> and you may not believe it, but it's confirmed. Now, you may

For everything supposedly "confirmed" one way, it's been confirmed the
other way as well. From my personal experience, your resists being high
makes Naggy and Vox partial a LOT. Last time I went with 150-ish resists
on my cleric and I took less than 800 damage the entire fight from
beginning to end, and I was standing right under him. Since you're not
playing resist songs and obviously letting Nagafen have his way with you,
perhaps you should try a new tactic.

> 4) Your damage counts. I've seen so many people say, Argh! He
> only had a sliver left. Think if you added your 400 - 500 dmg
> into the attack? You've got weapons, use em!

Haha, that's funny. I'd take Selo's Handrum with Elemental/Guardian
Rhythms over my Orb of Tishan/Ykesha any day. If I ever tried to melee,
my guild would probably laugh. By playing my resist songs, the situation
of "Argh! he only had a sliver left" never becomes an issue.

> No disrespect, cause I love ya a lot girl, but L40 bards aren't
> cut out for dragon raids, unless the server is scrapped for people
> at the time of the raid. Simply because the songs you really
> need are higher up, and the level difference really hurts your
> DragonFear resist and ability to strike the monster. As much
> as I wanted to go to do them in the past, I had to defer the
> work to someone more experienced. Which is exactly what I did.
> Bust your ass so we can fight together at full power (L50) again.

Harmonic, my guild went on 2 dragon raids with me tagging along as the
bard (the other 30 or so dragon raids have been with my cleric), both
times I ended up in a primary group, when we had level 50 people who
could've taken that position. Both times we were succesful. I'm not
going to try and arguing the finer points of stats or resists, the proof
is in the putting, and once you do some putting, I'm sure you'll see the
same. All I can say is, I've been there, done that, the RIGHT way, and

P.S. Sylly! You're in Pantheon now, I didn't even notice :P. Congrats,
Gallenite and Archi are great people :).

P.P.S. Yeah Sylly, we got both Naggy and Vox yesterday, but both are back.
Tonight's plan is Naggy again, and we have an agreement with someone else
(I have no clue whom, was worked out by my guild leader) to let them get a
couple of days to try Vox with. If they fail, we'll kill Vox this

P.P.P.S. The only reason we put pressure on ML and Storm to yield to us
was because one of our members was bound on the pedestal where Vox sits
from a previous Vox killing and gated back without remembering to rebind.
Hence, getting him back was a high priority of ours.

Level 50 Cleric
Level 35 Bard
Legions of Darkness
Innoruuk Server