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Message ID: 12638
Date: Thu Jan 6 16:05:35 GMT 2000
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: RE: Harmonic's Distorted view of Dragon Raids (and some P.S.'s for Sylly)

> is that so hard to believe, that 225 would make a difference where 125 does
> not? or did i read that wrong. you're killing me, Harm!

Sure it would. If 125 doesnt do anything, but 225 does?
I dunno, Vox was standing right on top of me almost, and with my
crappy cold resistance, I absorbed at least 300% of the dmg.
Instead of taking 600ish like I could tell my party members did,
I ate less than 200. Plus her DragonRoar didn't do jack to me.
I just stood there, heh. I had no buffs on.

> wouldn't they be ice-based spells, where mystic shielding is MR only? my
> wiz has a frost shock spell at level 24 and an ice shock spell at 34. i'm
> assuming they would cast something like that being ice goblin wizzies.

Shock of Force. 150ish dmg, stun, mostly resisted outright, but
when I took a hit, it was 125ish dmg with over 100 MR. That truly
hurt me to see a L20 caster nuking me for almost full.

> sounds like you are =P

Well, ok I am ;-) It's just too coincidental that all the things
I've seen just don't add up.

> equipment/spell/song wise to get both MR and CR/FR both over 200. i dunno
> what you see on these guys. most of the items are jewelery, so you may not
> see that. but every tank at our raids has froglok crowns and gnomish
> environmental suits on. you can see those easily. a tank with
> russett/indoclite mixed with a leather tunic and no helm stands out. come

I saw shaman in full grey planar gear, I saw a warrior in full indo
minus helm (froglok crown on no doubt), a cleric in absolutely full
purple armor, some casters had helms. You're right, without inspecting
each person (I did look at a few), I noticed no big surge of +CR/FR
stuff. In fact, despite what Miriana says... they did Nagafen, and
immediately, do not pass go, do not collect 200$ went for Vox, I watched
them the whole time. Gate from Solb to WK, and straight to everfrost.

While some items produce CR/FR effects, not all items do. So for
a team so concerned with resistances as was said, why didn't they
hit the bank and swap out gear for the next dragon? Why didn't
they pickup another bard? They had 3 or 4 groups, and only 2 bards.
I would have offered to go for the experience, and no loot. The
answer is that it's so routine for them, and they are so experienced
at it, they don't need much resistance support. Which was my whole
point of this resistance thing, that if you have the right people,
you can whoop a dragon without going overboard on the Elem/Guard
songs. You could then play VoV and Elemental, or something.

> Harm, come to the dark side.

Never. I still know there's good in you, I can feel it.
