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Message ID: 12745
Date: Fri Jan 7 19:20:06 GMT 2000
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Sitting down during a dragon raid

Even though its something that I will not be able to participate in for a
long time, I have enjoyed reading about all the strategy and tactics that
are required for a successful dragon raid. Whenever I read a post that has
a lot of good info, i.e. the recent post listing all the dragon raid
equipment, I file it away for future reference.

One of the big topics discussed recently is the feasibility of taking
characters lower than high 40s-50 on dragon raids. The primary concern is
that lower level characters are more susceptible to dragon fear spell and
will end up hurting the raid more than helping it because they could start a
train while fleeing in fear.

What I'm wondering is this: If a bard is participating in a dragon raid and
is sitting down for the duration of the fight, what happens if they fail the
resist check for the dragon fear spell? Will they stand up and start
running or will they remain sitting? If you remain sitting even when you
are feared, then that means any bard level 32+ could participate in a dragon
raid. On E'ci, a lot of the raiding parties have a standard group of five
clerics and one bard. The mission of the five clerics is to continuously
cast Stun on the dragon and cast res on anyone who dies. The bard is there
to sing mana song to pump up the clerics. A lower level bard could perform
this duty while the higher level bards perform the resist buffing duties.

Of course its all a moot point if the dragon fear spell makes you stand up
and start running.

Galtin of E'ci
30 bard