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Message ID: 12863
Date: Mon Jan 10 20:24:07 GMT 2000
Author: Eric Boller
Subject: Re: Digest Number 647

1. Yes bard duties overlap alot, but there are plenty
of songs that we can play that do stack with others
buffs. Anthem stacks with the enchanters speed spell
(speed doesn't stack but the strength buff does). We
can play psalm of warmth that has a damage shield that
stacks with others damage shields. We can chain which
not only snares but slows down the attack. Heal
stacks, clarity stacks. So we still offer plenty to a

2. Frankly at around level 30 I don't want the
attention that an area effect spell brings me. I will
sometimes play largo's but not with a pull of more
than 2 mobs. If there was an enchanter I would
probably use it more. I never use ae damage spells.
That spells dead bard in my book.

3. Not sure I understand completely what you are
talking about casting trolls. Anyway, if you need to
bring up invis to save the group from a train I think
it is a small price to pay in killing an enchanters
pet. Big deal.

4. Most likely these jackass enchanters are
powergaming idiots from other servers who saw the
power of an enchanter and decided to be one on your
new server. Now it is frustrating sometimes trying to
offer tips on crowd control being a bard or enchanter.
Sometimes I have groups that don't listen Everyone
engages a different mob--making it a hell of alot
harder to take out 4 or more mobs. You say "assist so
and so" and they never listen. Usually in those cases
I just forget about crowd control even though it would
be alot nicer. Some people just don't understand. It
is important to point out what an enchanter is doing
because most people have no clue--they think the group
just rocked when it was the enchanter or bard that
gave them a chance. If they were saying "doodz" and
stuff like that though I would be irritated.

Thex Luteslinger (Tunare)
30th level bard

> Message: 24
> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 10:33:00 -0700
> From: ("Paul D Richardson")
> <Richardson.Paul@...>
> Subject: Enchanters vs Bards
> Hello all! I've been lurking here for a while, and
> thought I'd post on a
> subject that's been troubling me lately: the
> incompatability of enchanters and
> bards. Are there any other two classes in the game
> that work together as
> poorly as these two?
> Problem 1: Overlapping duties. Many Bard tasks can
> be done better by
> Enchanters. Crowd control, buffs, and mana regen
> are the big three.
> Problem 2: Enchanters make Bard AoE songs more or
> less useless. Since so many
> of our songs are AoE, our playlist is more limited
> than a Los Angeles Top 40
> FM station when grouping with an enchanter. I've
> just learned on this list
> that Largo does NOT wake up mezzed mobs, so I'm
> adding that back into my
> "Enchanter Hotkey" bank. That's good news.
> Problem 3: Bard invis song kills Enchanter pets /
> breaks charm. Yeah, this is
> really the Bard's fault if they do this, and it can
> happen with other pet and
> charm classes too. However, there is a unique
> problem with Enchanters. The
> other night I got into a group in Unrest by the
> fountains. One of the group
> members was a casting Troll. "Shaman," I thought to
> myself. Suddenly, a
> typical Unrest train comes roaring by bearing half
> the house. I kick in the
> invis song to protect the group when the message
> "Gebaner slashes itself for
> 32000 points of damage" pops up, followed by a
> severe reaming from the
> Enchanter who was in troll form.
> Problem 4: For some reason, most Enchanters I've
> grouped with are total
> jackasses. They are constantly barking orders
> (usually in all caps) and
> yelling at everybody. It's very rare for Enchanters
> to give instructions ina
> polite fashion, like "Hey guys, please assist the
> puller so I can mez the
> other mobs." They are always self-congratualtory
> ("Heh heh my ae mez rockz,
> dOOd!") and showing off ("Look, I'm a table, d00dz!"
> followed 1 minute later
> by "OOM"). They seem to be surly most of the time,
> I can't imagine them
> having any fun with all their gripes. And oh, if
> something goes wrong in
> battle, it's NEVER their fault. They point fingers
> all the time. It's very
> rare for an enchanter to say "Sorry guys, I mezzed
> the wrong mob." It's
> usually "My Mez wore off that mob!!! Somebody must
> have attacked it! Idiots!
> It was probably one of those retarded bard songs!!!"
> Don't get me wrong, Enchanters are a great class.
> They can enable any group
> to handle mobs that would be unattainable otherwise.
> And there are some good
> apples in the bunch who can play their role well
> without being a jerk.
> Anybody have any tips on how a Bard and Enchanter
> can group together
> successfully and work with each other rather
> against? Right now, whenever an
> enchanter is in my group, I feel like an
> underpowered tank, which is not a fun
> role to play.
> Thanks,
> Sarsa Parilla (Level 20 Half-Elf Bard, Nameless)
> <Avengers Federation>

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