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Message ID: 12868
Date: Mon Jan 10 20:44:57 GMT 2000
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Sitting down during a dragon raid

Spoke with a couple of veterans of dragon raids and they told me that if you
are sitting down and fail a resist check against dragon fear, you will stand
up and start fleeing. Apparently this was not always the case. From what I
was told, prior to dragon raids becoming common events, the game code
allowed people sit down while fleeing. This allowed players to avoid the
danger of fleeing via an exploit. Once Verant saw what players were doing
they fixed it in a patch (a good move IMO).

Had the strategy worked, it shouldn't have been that hard to twist songs
even while sitting. All you had to do was stand up, switch songs, then sit
back down. This would have worked assuming dragon fear isn't a continuous
effect. All you would have to do is synchronize standing up right after the
dragon fear spell went off.

All a moot point now. Just have to be patient and wait until I'm in the 40s
before I go on a raid.

Galtin of E'ci

PS Still a possible workaround but probably not worth the effort, especially
if a high level bard is available to go on the raid. What a lower level
bard could do is /duel a 50 level player who can cast root. Assuming root
sticks, bard doesn't have to worry about fleeing. Not certain how long a
dragon raid takes so bard would most likely have to get rooted several times
throughout the battle. Doubt the high level players would want to take the
risk though.

> A bard can't twist songs sitting down as you know, and you are there for
> 2 things - reducing mana regen time during buffing and to buff resists
> during the fight. Without getting into a tactics discussion, if you are
> only playing 1 song during the actual dragon battle then you aren't
> worth the spot you are filling, and a warrior would be much better
> served in it. On every dragon raid or large scale fight, you want to
> show your group just how valuable a bard is, like when people from other
> groups die from attrition, but your resist buffs keep your party going
> until the very end.