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Message ID: 12884
Date: Tue Jan 11 05:36:56 GMT 2000
Author: Andrew Simpson
Subject: Re: GZ answers

>From: Benjamin Jerrad Segal <birdman@...>

> > All of these add up to a class, that when over 38th level becomes a
>magic resist buffing mana pump.
>I'm going to disagree with you, and go through our songs to show that they
>are, on the whole, just as effective before as after 38, in many

Right on! My tactics many times are the difference between whether my group
is successful or dies in big globby messes. I take pride in the fact that I
can do just about anything that needs to be done to make my group successful
(almost no matter the makeup of the group). Give me a bard and a cleric and
4 others of any class all level 41 or higher and I can break the spawn in
the Lord room and hold the room successfully until the group breaks up.
Give me 3 others all 45+ and the same holds true. Any group can come up with
the tactics but you need an enchanter for mezz (or a bard) or a monk/sk for
feign pull (or a bard).

No other class can compliment a group no matter the makeup as well as a bard
can. I do want to disagree on one point though.

>Dirge is somewhat of a joke. My first test of it was on a Freeport guard,
>it did a whopping 44 points of damage for 4.5 bubbles of mana. Nice
>thought, but impractical overall, especially when it takes up a rather
>crucial song slot.

Try the dirge on something that doesn't have a 600 magic resist (IOW, a non
guard). This song is VERY useful in the right circumstances. If you have
an enchanter, on a fight that could be a little tough, open the fight with
this. Sure you are going to get beat on by the extras, but the enchanter
fixes that pretty quickly. On a fight where you are fighting one big meany
every 38 minutes who has 10,000 hot points, an extra 321 or so isn't so
shabby, especially since if you can sit between fights you can regen enough
mana to use it again the next time he spawns! You want to be the hero and
save your party from certain death? If fear isn't cutting it, use the dirge.
Yeah, you will almost certainly die but your party will have time to make a
clean run for it while all the mobs finish you off. Its a handy little song,
you just gotta know the ways to use it.

You will sometimes hear me griping about my abilities, but almost always its
in jest (except for the false non-resists on lullaby and pixie, that really
really irritates me). You will never hear me griping about how a bard is
underpowered, how a bard is a wimp, how a bard is <fill in the negative
blank> though. I know that if I can get my party on the same page as me, I
can control any battle to the point that we can be successful. I know that
there are only two duels I fear, a like levelled enchanter or higher and a
like levelled bard or higher. I've stomped all other comers in duels, not
because I'm that good, but because if you play a bard to its full potential,
you can be one of the most powerful players in the game!


Anthem Dirgemaker
Level 48 bard of Qeynos
Solusek Ro
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