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Message ID: 12888
Date: Tue Jan 11 08:23:57 GMT 2000
Author: Benjamin Jerrad Segal
Subject: Re: Stop song

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 Valharick@... wrote:

> From: Valharick@...
>>> Has anyone had any luck at all getting the /stopsong command to work?
>> Never. It doesn't even stop a song that is playing normally, let alone
> Use the command /stop Works for me when i do decide to use it.

/st /sto /stop /stops /stopso /stopson /stopsong

similar to

/gu /gui /guil /guild /guilds /guildsa /guildsay

all do the same thing. Believe me, I've tried it with /stopsong too. If
it works for you, more power to ya.

Story of the night: Warrior, necro, magician, me, the remnants of a stone
spider group decide to stay behind to handle one last spawn sans healer.
About a minute before the spawn, an ldc (lava duct crawler) scurries into
the room. Everyone digs in, and as it nears death the stone spider
spawns and leaps toward the nearest pet. The warrior ended up with about
3 bubbles of health from the ldc, and I had 2.5 with bloodboil (figured he
had it too), so I stood back and played hymn a bit, took a few swipes,
tried to stick largo's (that thing has the highest MR I've seen yet;
granted bigger stuff I've seen was debuffed post haste), managed to get
myself stunned, beat up some more, lost the necro pet and finally eked out
a victory over the thing for a well-earned BCP.

I'm just glad I didn't have to mez it.

Athren Notechaser, 44th composition in progress