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Message ID: 12942
Date: Tue Jan 11 23:31:30 GMT 2000
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Brad On Binding (OT)

I grant that it may be far-fetched to expect Verant to take it into
consideration when it comes to the bind policy, but the actual events have
happened to me on so many occasions since I've been playing that I've lost
count. When it happens now, I don't even worry about it anymore.

I still stand by what I said in regards to the dynamic of pickup groups.
Unless I am doing something with my guild, almost every time I log on I end
up in a pickup group. That's not my choice but something I just have to
deal with based on where I live and the fact that my wife doesn't let me
play that much during peak hours :-). For the most part, the people I
grouped with last month are now several levels higher than me. If I want to
group with people around my level, I have to find new people that I haven't
grouped with before. This ends up being a continuous cycle. I've gotten to
know a lot of good players since April but have never gotten the enjoyment
of adventuring with a group of core players, which IMO is the best way to
ensure overall group success.

One last thing on your #2 comment below. If I know the people in my group
are honorable, I'll /consent someone to pull my corpse to the zone if I
die. But if I'm in a pickup group with players I've never grouped before,
I'm very hesistant to /consent someone to pull my corpse. I've read to many
horror stories about people getting screwed by dishonest players.

Galtin of E'ci

PS to Razzan: Whats the name of your bard on E'ci?

> This is a far fetched example, consider everything you are saying:
> 1. People I group with I don't know/they look out for themselves.
> 2. I don't group with a cleric that can res me.
> 3. I am bound "far away".
> 4. I die late at night when the group is close to breaking up anyway,
> and the group will abandon me.
> 5. I die in a dungeon, not near a zone.
> You have 5 strikes here, I don't think Verant should have to consider
> such bad luck. People don't seem to realize that the "difficulty to get
> back" factor should count into how you play an area. In outside zones
> or in areas close to a zone, I know my groups usually play it pretty risky
> because we know we can all run away easily. When we are in the king
> room of LGuk, we are dang careful we never have to evac. Why are we so
> careful? For us, its not the time to get back to the zone, its the time
> to clear our way back into the king room. We as a group will accept
> less xp, fewer kills in return for some added safety. I've made
> it a point never to group deep in/with strangers...
> (Yes I know the king room and the quick exit, there is no need to
> evac, I used a bad example, blah blah blah)
> Razzan
> Dragonslayer
> E'ci
> > that in pickup groups, players tend to look out for themselves before
> > considering the welfare of the party. To add salt to the wound, the
> problem is
> > magnified because of the time I usually log on. I live in Hawaii so
> when I play
> > its usually after midnight on the mainland on weeknights. When a pull
> turns bad
> > and someone dies, especially if it is a melee class bound in a zone far
> away,
> > the party usually either breaks up because its so late at night or the
> casters
> > leave the group because it will take the melee class too long to get
> back to the
> > zone they died in.
> >
> > I think its safe to say that Verant doesn't take situations like this
> into
> > consideration when they have the mythical class balance tuning sessions.
> I
> > think they just assume everyone has a regular group/guild that they play
> with
> > all the time and as a result they are focused on group welfare vs
> personal
> > welfare.
> >
> > Galtin of E'ci
> >
> >
> > > If the casters in your group gate out and leave you to die, they are
> not good
> > > groupies.