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Message ID: 12944
Date: Tue Jan 11 23:43:58 GMT 2000
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Re: Gypsy Lute Fun

On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Steven S. Klug wrote:

> Got a question for you guys. Now that I'm level
> 32, I've on a couple of occasions managed to get
> in pretty decent groups in Mistmoore. Is there
> any practical way to pull musicians from the
> castle once you have control of, say, the plateau
> in front of the castle? This is with a mid-30's

Heh heh. Short answer: No.

Long answer: My guild and I tried this over the weekend. We
caused probably one of the biggest trains in the history of
Mistmoore. From what I could tell, the music room, negotiator
room, piano/window room (and stuff outside), and all the mobs
in the little nooks and crannies in between came pouring out.

The plateu in front of the castle is easy to break (go in
invis to the far side, drop invis, and lull everything you
see, then pull). The mobs just inside the gate (there are 2-4
of them) are easy as well, as are the two gargoyles in the
grand hall/lobby. You got this far:

> group. I have been in a group once that actually
> managed to fight their way into the lobby (with
> the stairs going to second floor, etc.) but then
> we couldn't figure out how to reasonably go much
> further due to large clusters of mobs at such odd
> angles that lament wasn't really doable, etc.
> Plus the fact that everyone was scared out of
> their minds because of the stories of bad pathing,
> trains, etc.

Yup. Be glad you didn't try it. I got to this point, tried
to come up with a way to lament the mobs but couldn't. So I
had a ranger try casting harmony. That's when we started that

The problem isn't that lament or harmony don't work - they
do. The problem is that the pathing is so screwed up that the
mobs take circuitous routes. You pull the mob in front of the
music room, and instead of following you, it will circle
around the entire music room, out the back door, through the
negotiator room, then through the lobby, incidently pulling
everything it meets along the way. There *might* be a way to
pull it semi-safely (I suspect you can pull the negotiator
room by itself), but I'm not going to risk getting other
innocents killed in trains figuring out how.

There are several ways to safely get to the music room. By
far the easiest is to have a high level person pull. We had a
L48 person do it, but I hear a L47 can do it as well. Most of
the stuff won't aggro on a person this high, so he can pull,
the mob can go through its convoluted pathing, and it won't
trigger any extras.

If you don't have a high level person, someone in wolf form
who hasn't played much in Mistmoore can pull just a few at a
time (I think agro radius is linked to faction).

If you don't have any of these, you have two options I know
of. First is to invis your party and go back into the
kitchen. Kill the three mobs there, clear the hallway, then
the maid and bulter rooms. Then comes the hard part - using
invis to move around, lull the gargoyles in front of the
negotiator room. Once they're lulled, you can position
yourself to lull stuff inside the negotiator room (the agro
radius extends beyond the door so don't get too close). If
you're lucky, you'll get 1-3 mobs at a time. If you're not so
lucky, you'll get the entire negotiator room, the three mobs
in the alcove beyond it, and a couple gargs (which is the
monster pull I described in my other post). Once the
negotiator room is clear, you can start to crack the music
room. I haven't gotten this far, so I can't help you beyond
this point. :)

The other option is go in the back way, through the jail.
Clear up to just before the pool room. If Xicotl is not up,
you can clear the pool room, then pull the room down the
stairs. If Xicotl is up, you're probably best off invising
everyone and just going down the stairs to the next room and
clearing there. After that is the piano room - make sure you
fight away from the windows or you'll pull the entire outside
as well. Clear the outside if you want to be safe. Then the
alcove just before the music room. After this I'm not sure,
but I've seen other groups pull the music room from here so it
must be possible.

I have a theory on another way to pull. I was invis and had
SoW on, and started what should've been a train. All I got
was three mobs. I think what happened is that after I
triggered the first mob and it started its screwed up pathing,
my invis kicked in making me indifferent to everything else.
So the castle didn't get aggroed when the three mobs passed by
them (kinda like how green mobs won't trigger if you let a
runner get away). I haven't really tested if this is what is
really happening, so use it at your own risk.

All this becomes much easier of course if another group has
partially cleared the inside.

So there you have it, pretty much all I've learned about
the castle in Mistmoore.

John H. Kim