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Message ID: 12952
Date: Wed Jan 12 00:27:02 GMT 2000
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Got my Waki! (EBW quest semi-spoiler)

Our first guild night in Mistmoore, we killed the butler and
got a fang. We decided rather than lotto it, we'd hold onto
it as a guild and wait for a maid fang. That way we wouldn't
end up with one person holding a butler fang and another
person holding a maid fang.

The next day, I was playing with a friend's guild. They'd
been camping the tower, but it was slow so we discussed
moving. Someone suggested camping the maid - drops a +5
wis/int wreath, and the fang. Nobody knew where the maid was,
but I had a hunch based on where we killed the butler.
Besides, she'd been on my tracking for the last half hour so I
figured I could always use that to find her. :)

So we snuck everyone in invis. I wasn't sure the hall spawn
would stay in the hall if we went straight for the maid, so we
cleared the kitchen first, then moved to the hall. As we were
clearing the first of the hall mobs, three high level persons
(red to me at 42) went past us invis and started attacking the
maid. Grrr. We figured we'd lost the room, but still had a
pretty nice spot deep inside the castle so finished our fight
in the kitchen.

Well, it turned out the maid, two other mobs in the room, and
two hall spawn were too much for their group, and they evac'ed
before killing the maid. We cleared the rest of the hall,
then moved in to kill the maid. She dropped a fang. Only me
and another bard were in the lotto (the paladin bowed out
since his ghoulbane was better, and the druids wanted the
wreath), and I won. Then a L50 druid pestered me for an hour
trying to get me to trade/sell the fang to her. :) Funny
thing is, she kept offering me stuff that was worse than the
EBW. If she'd offered me something equal or better (but not
as rare), I might've jumped at the chance to get some nice
items for my guild; but as it was, I figured she was hoping I
was clueless and trying to rip me off.

We spent the rest of the day there, got 4 wreaths for various
friends, as well as a butler fang, which I let the other bard
have since my guild already had one I could use.

So basically, I got both fangs off the first butler and maid I
ever killed. :-P I had to wait longer for the avenging
caitiff to show up (6 hours) than I did for the butler or the
maid. :) I couldn't figure out how to get him to give me the
quest info, so I took a chance and just gave him both fangs.
Presto - electrum bladed wakizashi (7 dam 21 delay 2 wt).

I think I will dual wield it with my sceptre of rahotep when I
feel like showing off rare weapons (yeah, I ran across him
too). :)

John H. Kim