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Message ID: 1296
Date: Tue Jun 1 08:43:20 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: Re: Targetted?

On Mon, 31 May 1999, Abraham Hardjana wrote:
> Once again I was reminded why I hate Crushbone and other places like it.
> I died horribly to a castle train last night. Now I am starting to get
> used to it, but what troubles me is the fact that every orc just loves to
> target me. For instance I was watching a group fighting in the castle, I

Yes, my theory is that if we're within sight of a mob and we
do beneficial stuff (heal ourselves, buff the party,
whatever), the mob adds that to its hatred. Several people
have noted that it also happened to them while not playing a
song. In those cases, I'd guess that it's a "which target is
easiest" thing.

I think I've come up with a way to abuse this though and am
going to report it as a bug tomorrow. Get a friend who is
like 10+ levels below you and wants his character twinked.
Now find a mob that is red to him but green to you. Play your
lullaby. Keep the mob sleeping for a couple minutes. Have
your friend attack the mob. The mob will hate you so much for
putting it to sleep that it will keep attacking you. Since
it's green to you, you don't get hurt that much. OTOH your
friend gets free attacks on the mob, and gets all the
experience when he kills it. I tested this with a couple of
undead pawns while waiting for the boat, and it works. I took
all the damage (which with a 360+ AC was close to nothing),
the L7-8 guys got all the experience.

> BTW has anyone noticed a faction hit message whenever something dies
> around you?? I was hunting Gnolls in Highhold pass and was constantly
> given a faction hit message everytime something died. This occurs whether
> I attacked it or not. I was singing anthem or hymm at the times when this

I'm pretty sure this is due to the mob having targeted you at
some point (which because of the above problem happens a lot).
It used to be you only got the faction changes if you got the
experience. But people were abusing that to kill things they
shouldn't without getting the faction hit. So they changed it
so you're supposed to get a faction change if anything you've
fought dies. I think they goofed and whether or not you get
the faction change depends on if the mob has you on its hatred
list (i.e. you've attacked it or it's attacked you).

John H. Kim