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Message ID: 12962
Date: Wed Jan 12 07:07:58 GMT 2000
Author: silky@xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Enchanters vs Bards

I play both a bard - and an enchanter. The two classes are amazingly
similar in what they can pull off.

They are also the two hardest classes to play WELL.

I started a wizard (never had a wizard before) on the newest server. The
group that I seem to have fallen into and have had the most success with
consists of Me (wizard) one paladin, one bard, a druid and TWO -yes
count'em TWO enchanters.

These enchanters are a joy to behold in action. They really REALLY know
every enchanter trick in the book.

Doesn't sound like you have an enchanter problem - sounds like you have an
idiot problem - and idiot problems know no class restrictions.

One of THE most frustrating things for an enchanter - they do their job
perfectly - and bash happy tanks start wakin everything up. If anything,
you should be able to appreciate that as a bard. Some groups I've been in
simply cannot comprehend ONE TARGET with all these tasty mobs just standing
there to be wacked.

Also - their debuffing lines - and tashan series helps you as much or more
than the tanks - both in some of your songs - and direct damage with weapons.

A good enchanter is worth their weight in gold - find a few - and make them
good friends.

As far as overlapping duties - why is this a problem? Just make sure
everyone knows who is to do what - many hands make light work. I've seen
this complaint before - but never seen anyone complain they have
overlapping duties as say - a TANK.

The key to ANY class is to know not only your role - but your role in any
particular group configuration. Bards and enchanters I am convinced have
absolutely the most busywork in any party bar none. Any party (especially a
pickup group) that doesn't have a little discussion about tactics
beforehand I am really suspect of.

At 10:33 AM 1/10/00 -0700, you wrote:
>From: ("Paul D Richardson") <Richardson.Paul@...>
>Hello all! I've been lurking here for a while, and thought I'd post on a
>subject that's been troubling me lately: the incompatability of enchanters
>bards. Are there any other two classes in the game that work together as
>poorly as these two?
>Problem 1: Overlapping duties. Many Bard tasks can be done better by
>Enchanters. Crowd control, buffs, and mana regen are the big three.
>Problem 2: Enchanters make Bard AoE songs more or less useless. Since so
>of our songs are AoE, our playlist is more limited than a Los Angeles Top 40
>FM station when grouping with an enchanter. I've just learned on this list
>that Largo does NOT wake up mezzed mobs, so I'm adding that back into my
>"Enchanter Hotkey" bank. That's good news.
>Problem 3: Bard invis song kills Enchanter pets / breaks charm. Yeah,
this is
>really the Bard's fault if they do this, and it can happen with other pet and
>charm classes too. However, there is a unique problem with Enchanters. The
>other night I got into a group in Unrest by the fountains. One of the group
>members was a casting Troll. "Shaman," I thought to myself. Suddenly, a
>typical Unrest train comes roaring by bearing half the house. I kick in the
>invis song to protect the group when the message "Gebaner slashes itself for
>32000 points of damage" pops up, followed by a severe reaming from the
>Enchanter who was in troll form.
>Problem 4: For some reason, most Enchanters I've grouped with are total
>jackasses. They are constantly barking orders (usually in all caps) and
>yelling at everybody. It's very rare for Enchanters to give instructions ina
>polite fashion, like "Hey guys, please assist the puller so I can mez the
>other mobs." They are always self-congratualtory ("Heh heh my ae mez rockz,
>dOOd!") and showing off ("Look, I'm a table, d00dz!" followed 1 minute later
>by "OOM"). They seem to be surly most of the time, I can't imagine them
>having any fun with all their gripes. And oh, if something goes wrong in
>battle, it's NEVER their fault. They point fingers all the time. It's very
>rare for an enchanter to say "Sorry guys, I mezzed the wrong mob." It's
>usually "My Mez wore off that mob!!! Somebody must have attacked it!
>It was probably one of those retarded bard songs!!!"
>Don't get me wrong, Enchanters are a great class. They can enable any group
>to handle mobs that would be unattainable otherwise. And there are some good
>apples in the bunch who can play their role well without being a jerk.
>Anybody have any tips on how a Bard and Enchanter can group together
>successfully and work with each other rather against? Right now, whenever an
>enchanter is in my group, I feel like an underpowered tank, which is not a
>role to play.
>Sarsa Parilla (Level 20 Half-Elf Bard, Nameless) <Avengers Federation>
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