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Message ID: 13010
Date: Wed Jan 12 17:45:08 GMT 2000
Author: Robin Wise 3
Subject: Boasting 'Bout Bellow

It's interesting to note the various opinions people have of this song. One
the one side, there are the bards who play nothing but this in combat - I
think the people on this list have expressed pretty clearly why this is
*usually* the sign of someone who doesn't understand how their other songs
work (obviously, in most cases our other songs are far more effective). On
the other side, there are those who claim that, after hitting level 20, they
never use this song anymore, and more, look down upon those who do.

Last night a group of my guildmates went frost giant hunting to get a mage
some toesies. The group was 50 druid (puller), 47 mage (in search of
toesies), 37 cleric, 35 druid, 35 wizard, and of course the singin' fool
with 37 more-or-less useful songs. The mage whipped up a nasty pet, and
awayyyy we went.

Now, short quiz: granted you're in a group with ONE primary tank (a pet)
that is not affected by your songs, and granted you have a target that's red
to you, what would YOU do?

I wove Celerity, Bellow, Bellow. Yup, that's right. The druids and wiz
were playing pingpong with the giant (we avoided melee as much as we could -
those guys hit HARD), and I let the druid snare so we could stay out of
range as much as possible. I tried Fufil's but got a resist every time due
to the dual-save. I did run behind the giant, nipping at his heels with a
borrowed yaksucker (which, btw, apparently DOES proc at 37 - on two
occasions I got a message "Your target has resisted the Ykesha spell" and
never did I get the warning that I lacked the willpower to use that fine
weapon ´┐¢ maybe I just have a lot of willpower for my level? = ) ). Celerity
helped me get in a few more hits on him, so it was *maybe* as good as Bellow
- maybe not. Due to the pingponging, the giant was turning around a lot and
I had a hard time keeping him in range of my melee attacks - even snared,
they have long legs, y'know? We killed about 10 giants, I think... and in
that time I had 2 resists from Bellow.

I've noticed for a long time that Bellow has a very low resist rate - heck,
I learned this as a teenager kiting red scythe beetles in North Karana. I
was glad to see it still holds true 25 levels later. My Bellows were
usually hitting for 14 to 19 points of damage, which is not too bad, all
things considered. My group was doing everything they could to lower his
magic resistance, but it still wasn't enough for me to get Fufil's to stick.
I didn't try Pixie Strike (wihch also lowers magic resist) because it has
the same dual-save problem Fufil's does.

I am always open to suggestions - so what would YOU do in this case?

Aloro Silvertongue (E'ci)
~Flying Brethren~

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