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Message ID: 13015
Date: Wed Jan 12 18:02:38 GMT 2000
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: RE: Gypsy Lute Fun

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, James Schuldes wrote:
> We had about 8 hi 30 to mid 40's, 2 rogues, 1 necro 30s, no enchanter,
> tanks, a 50 puller, 1 bard - me (ugh - I know but we were brave!). We

No healer or enchanter? Bad bad Sylly. I would've nixed the
idea right there. I won't even try to take the tower (4-5
mobs, usually casters) without a healer and/or enchanter.

> cleared in through the secret room and the tower and bedroom. Really,
> really fun. We worked our way into the castle and the room at the foot of
> the stairs? near some double doors. Our 50 puller was able to fetch us

Sounds like you went in through the 2nd floor. I haven't
tried that route yet, but it winds up in the lobby/grand hall
so doesn't really gain you any advantage over going in from
the front. The throne room and princess is up there though.
Seems like it'd be a safe place to camp as well.

> stuff fairly nicely. 2's and 3's mostly. He cleared stuff and finally was
> able to pull Mynthi to us. She stopped just inside the double doors and we
> rushed her. We killed her and she forked over some drums (only 2 of the 8
> had any interest so they randomed and the necro's bard twink is now very
> nicely twinked.)

Double ack! Even in pickup groups, most folks allow people to
lotto for their secondaries only if none of the people there
can use/want the item.

I've seen Mynthi spawn 7 times over the last week I've been
playing. She had the drum 6 of those times, so it seems to be
the common drop. (My guild got 3 of them. :) The problem
with fighting her (and the negotiator) is that if they get off
some good charms, you can be in trouble quick. I've had
fights with the negotiator that ended in 3 seconds, and I've
had fights with her where my entire group ended up at half
health (3 charmed despite having MR over 100). Bad Sylly for
not singing a magic resist buff while fighting Mynthi. :)

Also, with a L50 pulling, first thing you should've done when
you saw Mynthi on your tracking was to get the L50 to pull
her, skipping everything in between.

> Then we got a fairly hard pull. A gypsy musician is in the pull and goes
> down. I died in the battle and don't know if there was a gypsy lute on her.

You can see it if they have it. They equip it just like we
do. :)

> And then the leader says "invis (caster invis not bard invis) up and go thru
> those doors make a left and into the garden." "Ugh - not the garden!!," I
> say. In we go and we get aggro'd in the room before the garden.

Piano room.

If you can set up in a corner of the garden, you should be
able to get only one crowd of mobs at a time. Unfortunately,
like I said, if you end up fighting in the piano room and you
or a mob makes it near the windows, everything outside will
aggro on you inside. We had that happen to us with a group of
about 10. The only reason we survived was because we'd almost
finished clearing the piano room when the garden came in, and
we had two enchanters. We still lost 3 people in that fight.
Btw, that screw-up was due to someone not listening when we
said attack the same mob, and a runner getting away because it
hadn't been snared because the two rangers were fighting the
same mob everyone else (except one person) was fighting.

> I get
> stunned, spun and see what looks like a way out so I run for it. Then I get
> stunned again and die again and gnid back to 40. Ugh.

If it looks like your group will win the fight but you will
die, it's better to just stay in one place and die. If you
run, you'll take some mobs with you. You'll aggro stuff as
you run out, and after you die or zone, the mobs originally on
you will tell the new stuff about your group, and they'll all
go to finish your group off.

> So, that is now my 4th time in MM. First was a lake group when I was level
> 19 - really good xp. Second was a trip to the garden at 39. Died that time
> too. Then last weekend, in the secret room was good and did not die - that
> made me brave. And finally a tour of part of the interior.

Only 4 deaths in Mistmoore? You're doing pretty good. I've
died there like a dozen times, and I only die about once a

> I'd like to learn more about MM and think that harmony or lulling areas then
> fighting for a room is the way to handle it. Pulling out the front door is
> not a good tactic. We learned that the hard way. Also, enchanter(s) and
> clerics are required if a group is going to go in. Ya, ya, we all know that

Actually, a L40 bard and two like-level tanks can take the
kitchen, and from there clear out the butler and maid rooms.
Gotta be ready for the harm touches from the cooks though.
Seems to be about 200-250 points, which can hurt if both
target the same person. Just charm one of the 3 kitchen mobs
into helping the fight, and it's a 4 on 2 fight. (And if
you're good, you can Pixie Strike the extra mob too while also
healing your tanks. :)

John H. Kim