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Message ID: 13146
Date: Mon Jan 17 13:50:06 GMT 2000
Author: Peck White
Subject: Re: unsubscribing

Try setting your options to receive no email. That
should produce the same effects.

--- Jukeboxie the Bard <jukeboxie@...> wrote:
> I'm really, really sorry to post this here, but does
> anyone know of an
> alternate way to unsubscribe from this list? I've
> e-mailed the unsub address
> EQ-Bards-unsubscribe@onelist.com
> about 10 times now. Nothing. I can't seem to be able
> to unsubscribe. Thanks!
> >From: Talies the Wanderer <snicker@...>
> >Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
> >To: eqbards@onelist.com
> >Subject: [eqbards] Rules and FAQ 1.6 - PLEASE READ
> >Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 14:57:37 -0600
> >
> >Greetings and Welcome to the EQ Bards Mailing List,
> a mailing list
> >dedicated to all for and about the Bard in
> EverQuest.
> >This list will be posted semi-regularly, and
> updated as often as is needed.
> >If you have any suggestions, or any frequently
> asked questions, please let
> >me know.
> >Changes have been made to instruments. Please help
> me by reading and
> >correcting my errors.
> >
> > First, some basic rules:
> > (Common sense stuff, really)
> >
> >1) Stay on Topic (as much as possible). While we
> do often stray off the
> >path of Bard-related stuff, lets try and keep the
> material "of-interest" to
> >our readers. Ex: Discussions of DoT nerfing are
> acceptable, because Bards
> >have DoTs. Discussions of Rogue Poison recipes are
> not. Discussions of
> >Quests and items are okay, as long as you make an
> attempt not to spoil
> >someone else's fun. Use [Spoiler] in the heading,
> or put spoiler space
> >(several blank lines) to let people know in
> advance.
> > Deliberate spam will NOT be tolerated, and
> any person doing so will
> >be
> >immediately reviewed for warning, removal or
> banning.
> > On a related note, if you notice that your
> topic is straying from the
> >original thread, please change the subject header.
> Example: RE: Mistmoore
> >Battle Drums becomes: re: Fighting undead as a Bard
> (was RE: Mistmoore
> >Battle Drums) For those of you receiving the digest
> version, if you can
> >make an attempt to change the subject field to
> something appropriate, that
> >would help those of us not digesting our mail
> better pass it ;)
> >
> >2) No Flaming. Not all of us share the same
> opinion as you do, but please
> >be considerate of one another. Take a moment to
> read through, and then
> >make sure someone hasn't already responded before
> posting hastily. We're
> >all human, and no one likes to be called names. If
> you simply MUST insult,
> >badger or degrade someone, DO IT PRIVATELY.
> >
> >3) There is no Rule Number 3.
> >
> >4) Watch for "KABONG!"s. KABONG! is an old
> list-term for a thread that is
> >being forcibly killed. This sometimes happens when
> a thread has
> >degenerated sufficiently off-topic to no longer be
> valid for this list, or
> >when the subject matter has become too inflammatory
> to be discussed.
> >Kabongs generally only occur in extreme situations.
> >
> >5) No Attached Files! If you wish to share with us
> your latest picture,
> >some nifty article or the Happy99 worm, please
> simply include a link within
> >your email to an appropriate place online. If you
> have no access to such,
> >email the file to me, (except viruses ;) and I will
> post it for you, and
> >follow up to the list with the URL. Small
> infractions will probably be
> >overlooked, but let's try to be considerate of our
> European readers who
> >have to pay by the minute to download their mail.
> >
> >6) Be Considerate of Others! Please keep "me, too!"
> posts to a minimum, and
> >try not to quote more of the message than necessary
> (although you should
> >always make sure that the message you are sending
> is properly referenced,
> >so that people reading the messages out of order
> are not completely
> >lost. And try not to abbreviate too much, or use
> strange "slang" or
> >incomprehensible euphemisms. Plain, clear speech
> is much more effective,
> >and will cause fewer "WTF?!" messages... Also, use
> spoiler headings and/or
> >spoiler spaces when presenting Quest hints or
> weapon details.
> >
> >Okay, enough rules. Now for some Frequently Asked
> Questions!
> >
> >Q: I keep seeing all these abbreviations: "DoT",
> "DD", "PGT", "MM", "GZ" -
> >What do they all mean?!
> >A: Well, the best way to learn is to check out the
> EverQuest Glossary at
> >http://amtgard.pinkpig.com/bards/eqglossary.htm
> (shameless plug). Briefly,
> >those four terms mean "Damage over Time" (refers to
> spells/effects that do
> >damage every few seconds for a while, instead of
> all at once), "Direct
> >Damage" (refers to spells/effects that do all their
> damage at once),
> >"Polished Granite Tomahawk" a nice weapon, "MM" is
> Mistmoore, a
> >mid-to-high level zone near Lesser Faydark, and GZ
> is Geoffrey Zatkin, the
> >Verant Designer in charge of spell balance (and
> thus a frequently consulted
> >individual when it comes to our songs....)
> >
> >Q: What is "twisting" (or "weaving," "stacking," or
> "harmonizing"), and how
> >do I do it?
> >A: "Twisting" is the most common name (although
> much deprecated by those in
> >favour of more "period" terms) for singing multiple
> songs at once - or at
> >least making it seem that way. The short
> explanation is to stop one song
> >and immediately start another one, repeat as
> necessary. Since most song
> >effects have a duration of about 6 seconds, you
> have time to weave as many
> >as three (and I've even heard tell of four!) songs
> at once before the first
> >wears off, gaining the effects from all of them at
> once.
> >The long explanation, complete with illustrations,
> can be found here:
> > (thanks Tork@Nameless).
> >
> >Q: What song do I get at <foo> level? What does
> this song do?
> >A: Well, again, shameless plug time: The EverQuest
> Bard's
> >Guild
> (http://amtgard.pinkpig.com/bards/eqbard.htm) has a
> list of
> >spellsongs, however, most people seem to prefer
> detailed statistics, so let
> >me refer you to
> http://rgonzalez.net/EQSongs/index.html (The Bardic
> Song
> >Analysis page), compiled by Rokenn Swiftsong.
> Also, the Soerbaird is a
> >wonderful site: http://www.soerbaird.com/
> >(Anyone want to suggest any other sites?)
> >
> >Q: What do instruments do?
> >A: Some songs have associated instruments. Playing
> this instrument will
> >generally enhance the song by as much as 50%, but
> this is also related
> >to your relative skill with the instrument. Also,
> instrument skill is
> >partially responsible for failure rate of related
> songs. To avoid missing
> >notes, even when singing, keep your instrument
> skills maxed out.
> >
> >Q: Are there any magical or "Unique" instruments
> for Bards?
> >A: Yes, there are several known "special"
> instruments in the world.
> > The Mistmoore Battle Drum (found in
> Mistmoore), which increases
> >the
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