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Message ID: 13208
Date: Tue Jan 18 17:37:57 GMT 2000
Author: JasonF
Subject: RE: Rumors

I hear this a lot. "Man, did you see that 49/50 Necro soloing the Lord
room?" I've never seen it done, and no one that I know personally on Fennin
Ro has seen it done. I always hear words to the effect of "it just takes a
bit of strategy", but no one has every had any comment on what that strategy
might be. The Ghoul Lord room, if broken and the three spawns staggered
perfectly could not be held for any length of time by only one or two
individuals in my opinion. The Boks and Guks that spawn there probably have
around 15,000 hit points and do serious melee damage. I've been in high
40s/50s groups that have spent three or four minutes killing a single frog.
If you get a Guk Wizard spawning as the Lord placeholder you're in serious
trouble with only two folks and a pet. When the Lord spawns he has even
MORE hitpoints and he's gonna Harm Touch one of ya (and hopefully) be
procing Ykesha on you. If you know how one guy can stand up to that I sure
would like to hear it.

Now granted, I have been in groups with a 50 necro where the pet solod Lava
Duct Crawlers in Sol B and the pet had more than half health at the end of
the fight. Not only that, the necro (Cinder) said "Sigh - you shoulda seen
my pet *before* they nerfed Necros." Well damn. A single LDC can make a
full group in their lower 40s run for the zone with a couple of deaths but
one Necro pet (blue to me) can solo one? And Necros complain?


> From: "Dark" <jackal@...>
> Heh the lord room is so easy. It's not as hard as people can
> think and I've
> seen it held with a couple diffrent combos of two people casters
> and usually
> one is with pet though. However even after the patch the room is
> quite easy
> to crack with 1 necro and 1 person of any other class. It just takes a bit
> of strategy.
> Naeeldar