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Message ID: 13321
Date: Thu Jan 20 06:14:41 GMT 2000
Author: Daniel Fung
Subject: Bard pay the price in a party

The problem about bard hate and why bard dying so often in group, I think
is that Bard songs have to be repeatedly reapply and reapply and hatred
from each song tick is comparable to casting the same spell effect (which
last for Minutes!). The "Hate formula" of a monster should take the short
duration of bard song into account.

IMHO, a fair formula should look like this:
For example Choroplast vs Bard Hymn :

Hate from one cast of Choroplast == (Duration of Choroplast/Duration of
Hymn) * Hatred of Bard Hymn

Another example would be Charm. Monsters hate u just like you have charmed
them with Enchanter charm/Druid charm animal/Necro charm skelly while you
have to charm them 8 sec each time and reapply ...reapply.
They should either adjust hatred calculation or they just let Bards reapply
effect without adding hates onto monsters. (recharming while a monster
still charmed, refreshing Hym without ascending the hate list..etc)


eqbards@onelist.com on 01/20/2000 02:28:30 AM

Please respond to eqbards@onelist.com

To: eqbards@onelist.com
cc: (bcc: Daniel Fung/AUCOASIA/HK)
Subject: [eqbards] Digest Number 668

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Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in today's digest:

1. Re: fustrating bard levels
From: "Donny Dane" <ddane@...>
2. Re: LONG rant about what to look for in Bad group members.
From: Papa Legba <legba@...>
3. Re: fustrating bard levels
From: Peck White <peck_white@...>
4. RE: Binding grrrr
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
5. RE: Binding grrrr
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
6. RE: Binding grrrr
From: Mike Roach <mike.roach@...>
7. RE: Binding grrrr
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
8. Re: Binding grrrr
From: Dave Gaines <dave@...>
9. RE: Binding grrrr
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
10. Dual-wield weapons
From: "Perhaps a Princess..." <sarah@...>
11. Re: Binding grrrr
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
12. Re: Dual-wield weapons
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
13. RE: Binding grrrr
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
14. RE: Disturbing thoughts.....
From: "Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)"
15. RE: Rarely mentioned fact...
From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
16. Anthem vs Celerity
From: Valharick@...
17. RE: Binding grrrr
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
18. RE: Made 45 last night and love my new song :)
From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
19. RE: Made 45 last night and love my new song :)
From: "Joshua R. Moore" <josh@...>
20. RE: Binding grrrr
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
21. RE: Binding grrrr
From: "Joshua R. Moore" <josh@...>
22. RE: Binding grrrr
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
23. RE: Binding grrrr
From: "Joshua R. Moore" <josh@...>
24. RE: Binding grrrr
From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
25. RE: Binding grrrr
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 07:48:14 -0600
From: "Donny Dane" <ddane@...>
Subject: Re: fustrating bard levels


I got my bard to 20th level...
I played 20th level for about 6 weeks ( a couple of hours a night). Every
death cost me about a week of play time.
One group I was in, let me die 3 times, with no one else near death (2
clerics!), so i bailed. I've nearly lost 20th, now,
and have pretty much retired my bard. (Who ever said 20 wasn't a hell
level???). I'm playing my DE Enchanter now (up to 9th level)
Leveling the enchanter is much easier than it was with the bard.

I would LOVE to continue playing my bard, but I can't figure out how to get
experience, and keep it, especially in pick-up groups. Unfortunately, most
of my guild has surpassed me in levels, and I no longer get xp if I group
with them. I would love to power-level up to around 25 or so, and join my
guildmates, but I have been unable to find anyplace that is not camped to
the hilt on Solusek Ro. The aviaks are consistently camped, both in South
Karana and Lake Rathe. Solusek A is a death trap. Likewise, with Unrest
and the Cauldron.

If anyone out there has some novel ideas on how to find stuff to solo power
level with, I would love to hear it. But, for now, MacGrough is retired
(sitting in ButcherBlock after 2 deaths in Cauldron).

MacGrough Mich'Rathe
20th Song Bard - Solusek Ro Wanderers
9th Spell Enchanter - Solusek Ro Wanderers

----- Original Message -----
From: G.W. Willman, IV <gww6e@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 2:18 AM
Subject: [eqbards] fustrating bard levels

> From: "G.W. Willman, IV" <gww6e@...>
> Couple of people have posted and been struggling during the same levels I
> had difficulty with the first time around, so I thought I'd drop a few
> on how and why you should peserve (its amazing what you see in
> The general concensus is that the time from 19th to 26th is quite
> fustrating; you're at the point were the disparity between your melee and
> your tank friends melee prowess begins to show, and yet your songs don't
> adiquately compensate for that lost. Its difficult to find a good group
> during this time because this is also the weed out period - worse that
> levels, the 20's test your commitiment to that class in my opinion.
> At anyrate, your position is clear (push past these levels as quickly as
> possible) and while boring, doing the noterious deepwater goblin pets of
> Lake Rathetear will get you though it, and will get you out of your rut.
> just checked today as I sold at the ogre camp, 2 pets still run by every
2 > mins. As someone here stated before [referring to hell levels],
'Quantity > over quailty." Just set up camp right near the ogres on the
hill if
> solo, or right at the tree in the gut if you're in a group and go to
work. > You have a convient zone line if something goes wrong and a food
and water > vendor literally next door. You can kill the bandits on the
other side of > the gut handily for lunch money.
> Trust me, stay on it, you'll get through it in about a week with modest
> time doing the pets and then suddenly your 20's songs, powered by your
> higher levels, will be more effective and desired in a group (for the
> record, besides selo's, the song I ALWAYS have mem'd: chain, even if I
> grouped with 3 rangers and 2 druids you couldn't pay me to forget the
> Just like insurance, ya hope you never have to use it but you don't leave
> home without it.). I suppose there is an argument to go through these
> levels the traditional way, but I did that the first time around -- it
was > painful and in the end the only valuable lesson/tactic/govering
> drew from the experience was "Ain't doing that again!"
> Have fun and good luck,
> -GW
> <Tork@Nameless>
> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
> Independent contractors: Find your next project gig through JobSwarm!
> You can even make money by referring friends.
> <a href=" http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/jobswarm2 ">Click Here</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 09:37:36 -0500
From: Papa Legba <legba@...>
Subject: Re: LONG rant about what to look for in Bad group members.

A quick defense of mages (who I often think are the worst group players
in the game). A mage who wants to learn group tactics (and they can be
real benefits in a group if played well) has a very hard time. Problem
1: Having the ability to solo through 20 easily and beyond there still
fairly well is a dangerous temptation. Especially when you consider how
frustrating pickup groups can be. (this is not a real excuse though)

Problem 2: Since there is so much talk about how much mages suck in
groups (including how pets suck up xp, if you think the jig requests are
bad see how many people insist that your pet is hurting their xp), no
one wants to group with them. My second char was a mage and I almost
NEVER could find a group. The prejudice against mages is huge. Which
is a shame because I'm pretty convinced they can outdamage a wizard in a
good group (though no evac hurts).

On the same thread, I was with the same two (enchanter and shaman) again
last night. Most of the night, wisely we decided a buffed up Elfson
(Thats me, 15 bard) was better than a crap shoot tank. They also
encuraged me to experiment with songs since we were a pretty unstandard
group. It actually seemed that just continous Discord was our best
bet. (Bellow was almost always resissted by DW crocs). In any case it
was fun to be tank for a night, I had more than a full column of buffs.
(Most of the night we bough resolution for me from friendly clerics,
usually traded a set of shaman buffs for cleric buffs). I think I had
115 str and 550 hp which is pretty cool for a lvl 15 bard... Only one
death all night too, and that was when the enchantress was talking to
her mom and missed all my "SG near", "SG Approaching!" "SG!" "SG!" "SG!"
We now return to the non-stop rock.

Matt DeBarger


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 07:03:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Peck White <peck_white@...>
Subject: Re: fustrating bard levels

Hmmm. I got thru level 20 buy hunting in Highhold
Keep. I would get my name on the Main Room List and
then go to the gnoll side of Highhold Pass and solo
the various spawns there until my name came up. I
went from 1/4 bubble into 20 to a sliver left to level
last Sunday. Only one death in that time due to a
couple of our casters deciding to duel between spawns
and were therefore low on mana when a guard spawned.
I got level 21 the next night after about 4 kills. So
level 20 was relatively painless for me.

If you want to go someplace that isn't camped (at
least on Mithaniel Marr) then pick up one other person
near your level and go to the Undead Isle. This is
the first island to the right when facing the ocean
from the dock at the Sister's Isle. You can recognize
it because it is barren rock. You have to kill the
Greater Skeletons to get the Gargoyles to spawn. The
Gargoyles will range in level from low blues to
yellows for a level 20 character. With 2 people you
should be able to pick up about 1/2 a bubble an hour
with no deaths. There are 4 spectres at the very top
of the island. Aggro those and don't even bother to
run because your dead, but this will never happen with
a little bit of caution. As an additional benefit the
Gargoyles drop eyes that you can sell at the Sister
Isle for 9.5 pp each with "Kindly" faction. My
hunting partner and I made 45pp in about 2 hours there
this past weekend. Also the Gargoyle death animation
is one of the best I've seen so far.

Hope this helps,

Bard of the 21st Song,
Mithaniel Marr

--- Donny Dane <ddane@...> wrote:
> Well,
> I got my bard to 20th level...
> I played 20th level for about 6 weeks ( a couple of
> hours a night). Every
> death cost me about a week of play time.
> One group I was in, let me die 3 times, with no one
> else near death (2
> clerics!), so i bailed. I've nearly lost 20th, now,
> and have pretty much retired my bard. (Who ever
> said 20 wasn't a hell
> level???). I'm playing my DE Enchanter now (up to
> 9th level)
> Leveling the enchanter is much easier than it was
> with the bard.
> I would LOVE to continue playing my bard, but I
> can't figure out how to get
> experience, and keep it, especially in pick-up
> groups. Unfortunately, most
> of my guild has surpassed me in levels, and I no
> longer get xp if I group
> with them. I would love to power-level up to around
> 25 or so, and join my
> guildmates, but I have been unable to find anyplace
> that is not camped to
> the hilt on Solusek Ro. The aviaks are consistently
> camped, both in South
> Karana and Lake Rathe. Solusek A is a death trap.
> Likewise, with Unrest
> and the Cauldron.
> If anyone out there has some novel ideas on how to
> find stuff to solo power
> level with, I would love to hear it. But, for now,
> MacGrough is retired
> (sitting in ButcherBlock after 2 deaths in
> Cauldron).
> MacGrough Mich'Rathe
> 20th Song Bard - Solusek Ro Wanderers
> Aazure
> 9th Spell Enchanter - Solusek Ro Wanderers
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: G.W. Willman, IV <gww6e@...>
> To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 2:18 AM
> Subject: [eqbards] fustrating bard levels
> > From: "G.W. Willman, IV" <gww6e@...>
> >
> > Couple of people have posted and been struggling
> during the same levels I
> > had difficulty with the first time around, so I
> thought I'd drop a few
> tips
> > on how and why you should peserve (its amazing
> what you see in hindsight):
> >
> > The general concensus is that the time from 19th
> to 26th is quite
> > fustrating; you're at the point were the disparity
> between your melee and
> > your tank friends melee prowess begins to show,
> and yet your songs don't
> > adiquately compensate for that lost. Its
> difficult to find a good group
> > during this time because this is also the weed out
> period - worse that
> hell
> > levels, the 20's test your commitiment to that
> class in my opinion.
> >
> > At anyrate, your position is clear (push past
> these levels as quickly as
> > possible) and while boring, doing the noterious
> deepwater goblin pets of
> > Lake Rathetear will get you though it, and will
> get you out of your rut.
> I
> > just checked today as I sold at the ogre camp, 2
> pets still run by every 2
> > mins. As someone here stated before [referring to
> hell levels], 'Quantity
> > over quailty." Just set up camp right near the
> ogres on the hill if
> you're
> > solo, or right at the tree in the gut if you're in
> a group and go to work.
> > You have a convient zone line if something goes
> wrong and a food and water
> > vendor literally next door. You can kill the
> bandits on the other side of
> > the gut handily for lunch money.
> >
> > Trust me, stay on it, you'll get through it in
> about a week with modest
> play
> > time doing the pets and then suddenly your 20's
> songs, powered by your new
> > higher levels, will be more effective and desired
> in a group (for the
> > record, besides selo's, the song I ALWAYS have
> mem'd: chain, even if I
> > grouped with 3 rangers and 2 druids you couldn't
> pay me to forget the
> song.
> > Just like insurance, ya hope you never have to use
> it but you don't leave
> > home without it.). I suppose there is an argument
> to go through these
> > levels the traditional way, but I did that the
> first time around -- it was
> > painful and in the end the only valuable
> lesson/tactic/govering principle
> I
> > drew from the experience was "Ain't doing that
> again!"
> >
> > Have fun and good luck,
> > -GW
> > <Tork@Nameless>
> >
> >
> > --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor
> ----------------------------
> >
> > Independent contractors: Find your next project
> gig through JobSwarm!
> > You can even make money by referring
> friends.
> > <a href=" http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/jobswarm2
> ">Click Here</a>
> >
> >
> >
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter
> to lol@...
> with the subject submissions.
> >
> >
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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 08:49:39 -0700
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

Ok, I just don't understand what all the argument is about
on this issue. I think bards are smack dab in the middle of the class
spectrum. Whether that makes them "hybrid" or not I'm not going to argue.
Fact is, bards don't get bind. Whether they "should" or not is irrelevant
in my opinion. We get selo's, we get locate corpse and invis. All three
things make any corpse retrieval easier than any other class that doesn't
get bind. Today I died in Oasis, and ran from the Arena (ack! Forgot to
bind in Freeport), through the feeerrrroooottttt (spectre was in
residence). This is a trip I have seen many a higher level than me (17)
warrior die on. So I'm not complaining.

I really like this game and despite the amount of grumbling
I hear about class balance, I think Verant has done a pretty damn good job.
Sure there is room for improvement, there always is. But frankly, if you
want bind and gate, play a class that GETS bind and gate :-). It's like a
Shaman complaining we "only" get Alacrity, not the high end Enchanter swift
like the wind. I personally like the fact that NO class (no, not even
necros) are a master of everything. Makes interaction more necessary and
more fun.

I love this game :-)
And I love you all...

Halana 45th Shaman
Tani 17th Bard
Solusek Ro

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:01:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

No don't do it Wendy!

"Your words cannot betray you more than your feelings."

> want bind and gate, play a class that GETS bind and gate :-). It's like
> like the wind. I personally like the fact that NO class (no, not even

"Strike me down with all your hatred and your journey towards the
dark side will be complete."

Harmonic. ;-) /tease


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 10:05:30 -0600
From: Mike Roach <mike.roach@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

Or, on the same subject you raise, if I really wanted all the classes to be
composites of one another I could play UO or AC - skill based characters
rather than class based.

I agree with you, I think a game like this will always be a work in
progress but I love it too despite the idiosyncrasies.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cranfill, Wendy [mailto:Wendy_Cranfill@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 9:50 AM
> To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Binding grrrr
> From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
> Ok, I just don't understand what all the
> argument is about
> on this issue. I think bards are smack dab in the middle of the class
> spectrum. Whether that makes them "hybrid" or not I'm not
> going to argue.
> Fact is, bards don't get bind. Whether they "should" or not
> is irrelevant
> in my opinion. We get selo's, we get locate corpse and
> invis. All three
> things make any corpse retrieval easier than any other class
> that doesn't
> get bind. Today I died in Oasis, and ran from the Arena
> (ack! Forgot to
> bind in Freeport), through the feeerrrroooottttt (spectre was
> in residence).
> This is a trip I have seen many a higher level than me (17)
> warrior die on.
> So I'm not complaining.
> I really like this game and despite the amount
> of grumbling
> I hear about class balance, I think Verant has done a pretty
> damn good job.
> Sure there is room for improvement, there always is. But
> frankly, if you
> want bind and gate, play a class that GETS bind and gate :-).
> It's like a
> Shaman complaining we "only" get Alacrity, not the high end
> Enchanter swift
> like the wind. I personally like the fact that NO class (no, not even
> necros) are a master of everything. Makes interaction more
> necessary and
> more fun.
> I love this game :-)
> And I love you all...
> Halana 45th Shaman
> Tani 17th Bard
> Solusek Ro
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor
> ----------------------------
> Hey Freelancers: Find your next project through JobSwarm!
> You can even make money in your sleep by referring friends.
> <a href=" http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/jobswarm1 ">Click Here</a>
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> lol@... with the subject submissions.


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 09:22:43 -0700
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

/bites Harmonic on the leg!

Silly :P
...can you tell I stayed up too late last night trying to
get some xp into 45?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Honeyman
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 9:01 AM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Binding grrrr

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

No don't do it Wendy!

"Your words cannot betray you more than
your feelings."

> want bind and gate, play a class that GETS
bind and gate :-). It's like a
> like the wind. I personally like the fact
that NO class (no, not even


"Strike me down with all your hatred and
your journey towards the
dark side will be complete."

Harmonic. ;-) /tease

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor

Hey Freelancers: Find your next project
through JobSwarm!
You can even make money in your sleep by
referring friends.
<a href="
http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/jobswarm1 ">Click Here</a>


Please send submissions for the eqbards
newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:31:18 -0500 (EST)
From: Dave Gaines <dave@...>
Subject: Re: Binding grrrr

It is impossible to get xp at 45. After 30 days of hell, you wake
up and you are level 46 ... or 44.

> From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
> Silly :P
> ...can you tell I stayed up too late last night trying to
> get some xp into 45?
> /yawns

I stay up every night too late... last night was to build up some extra
level 50 xp because I am fearing the new plane will be a deathfest.


Message: 9
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:31:11 -0500 (EST)
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

> ...can you tell I stayed up too late last night trying to
> get some xp into 45?


What about your bard? ;-)

And are you one of those shaman who don't keep a leash on their pups?
/grrr hehe.

We got majorly trained again the other night when a frenzied spirit
did just that; it frenzied and pulled like 3 spite golems and 2
clerics. I would have disciplined the pup had it not died.

Multiple mob scenario, 5 bards, guess who were the first bodies on
the floor? I hope they implement meditate soon, I die way too often
these days. Someone here said you can hold the meditate button or
press it a bunch to speed up memming, that doesn't work. I tried it.

/pet fetch a scorn banshee



Message: 10
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 08:35:24 -0800
From: "Perhaps a Princess..." <sarah@...>
Subject: Dual-wield weapons

I am level 15. But already forward looking to our dual wield. I have Bladed
Thulian Claws that I have been using. I helped heal up a level 9 I ran
into last night and he gave me a Barbed Leather Whip -- will I be able to
use that in my offhand?

Sarah Heacock sarah@...
Meara, level 13 Enchanter, Master Jeweler, owner Meara's Boutique of
Mystiques, Phoenix, Solusek Ro /
Faerain, level 18 Soldier of Tunare, Phoenix, Solusek Ro /
Faesong, level 15 Songweaver of Solusek Ro, Mythical Alliance,Test
Feyre, level 8 Dark Elf Wizard of Solusek Ro, Mythical Alliance, Test


Message: 11
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:42:11 -0500 (EST)
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
Subject: Re: Binding grrrr

> I stay up every night too late... last night was to build up some extra
> level 50 xp because I am fearing the new plane will be a deathfest.

Yeah, I hear that. I experience the same thing.

Eastern Time,

6:00pm : Home from work, get the women on the cooking, I fire up eq.
Harmonic lets you all know he was ..ugh I cant do it, caps..
just kidding!

6:15pm : Ooops, the login server is F'd up once again.

6:30pm : What is all this lag? Christ... doh, 2,000 people on
each server, go Verant! Way to keep up with demand.

7:00pm : Camped in hateplane, now bumming for a group.

7:05pm - 11:00pm : /shout more scorn banshees damnit, what is this
their night off or something?

11:15pm : Weather comes on the news, girlfriend starts chanting,
'camp camp camp camp' One more pull hon, and I'll come
to bed.

4:00am : Got to work in 4 hours, ugh. No armor drops, one more
pull... one more scorn banshee... please... falling asleep.

That is how my nights are going recently. Although I did finally
get a Six note blade. Five bards in the hateplane, yikes. Lots
of competition.



Message: 12
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:42:58 -0500 (EST)
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
Subject: Re: Dual-wield weapons

> I am level 15. But already forward looking to our dual wield. I have
Bladed > Thulian Claws that I have been using. I helped heal up a level 9
I ran into > last night and he gave me a Barbed Leather Whip -- will I be
able to use > that in my offhand?




Message: 13
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 10:19:24 -0700
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr



Ya, Tani is still 17... I really want to get Halana to 50
(or at least 47) .. then we will have mucho bard time. Also started a
cleric on Prexus to play with RL friends (/pout Bard already taken in the
group). I think the choice is clear... I'm going to have to quit my job
:-) Or, I could blame it on Minkin going to the dark side and playing a SK,
leaving me without a role model :P

And yes, I keep a leash on my pet :-) I actually won't use
one in a dungeon unless I know it really well or we're just camping. The
problem with Shamen is that we don't get pets until 34 so we tend to forget
that we have to watch out for em. But if I don't see my pet, I am /pet get
lost or invis in about 2.5 secs... because yes, I once got hit through a
wall in guk, my pet ran out to find the mob and almost killed the party.
Same reason I don't use AE but that's a different story....


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Honeyman
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 9:31 AM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Binding grrrr

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> ...can you tell I stayed up too late last
night trying to
> get some xp into 45?


What about your bard? ;-)

And are you one of those shaman who don't
keep a leash on their pups?
/grrr hehe.

We got majorly trained again the other
night when a frenzied spirit
did just that; it frenzied and pulled like
3 spite golems and 2
clerics. I would have disciplined the pup
had it not died.

Multiple mob scenario, 5 bards, guess who
were the first bodies on
the floor? I hope they implement meditate
soon, I die way too often
these days. Someone here said you can
hold the meditate button or
press it a bunch to speed up memming, that
doesn't work. I tried it.

/pet fetch a scorn banshee


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 14
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 12:20:03 -0500
From: "Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)" <Michael.Garramone@...>
Subject: RE: Disturbing thoughts.....

yes a monk friend of mine got one last week, he checked it and said it was
not no drop. i know a monk and rogue for sure who wear them, both
non-plate classes.

Shada, finally the proud new owner of Selo's Drum

> Did
> your server get a crown in the last two weeks? Could it have been
> changed? I also heard only plate classes can wear the new one.
> Harm.


Message: 15
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:29:34 -0600
From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
Subject: RE: Rarely mentioned fact...

What about the Fire Midgets?


(Yes, it was evil to walk him down to the King room <muahaha>)

Ok, so maybe he is not mesmerized - maybe he is just tired and _really_


My guild does some fun stuff!


Sylly Songsynger
<The Pantheon>
Bard of the 42nd song
somewhere on Innoruuk

-----Original Message-----
From: kim@... [mailto:kim@...]
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 12:25 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Rarely mentioned fact...

From: <kim@...>

.that may save your life:

High level giants (ice and fire in Perma/SolB) cannot be


Message: 16
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 12:42:41 EST
From: Valharick@...
Subject: Anthem vs Celerity

Had the pleasure last night of grouping with Kemvar in the Tiger room for a
good amount of time. Up until I came into the group He said he had been
using Anthem de Arms. Kem had mentioned that He and a monk had done some
testing anf they felt Anthem was faster that Celerity. Wondering if there
was anyone out there who had also done some testing and if so what were the

Thank yall,



Message: 17
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 10:47:44 -0700
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

Ok this is too tempting.....Mountain Time for me though ...

Get home, turn on pc. Open cupboards looking for something
that can cook in the time it takes my pc to boot. Fail miserably. Decide
I don't really need to eat anyway.

Log in and start yelling for a group

"What is all this lag? Christ... doh, 2,000 people on each
server, go Verant! Way to keep up with demand."

Finally get a group, time to fight and flirt :-)

Housemate 1 comes home.
Asks "you going to play that game all night AGAIN"...
Me: "Huh? What? Sec, fight"

Housemate 2 "How can you stand playing this all night...
'the purpose of life is a life of purpose'...
you need to get a life and be productive
.....Oh oh oh oh KILL THAT (you KNOW he wants to play :-))

Housemate 2 comes in completely pissed that the vcr messed
up the tape of the latest Buffy episode (note: he's 32). I resist the urge
to ask what the "purpose" of Buffy is.

I should go to bed... I'm really addicted and need to stop
(half hearted attempt at self-discipline)

Wow the servers are clearing out a bit! Just a few more

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Honeyman
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 9:42 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Binding grrrr

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> I stay up every night too late... last
night was to build up some extra
> level 50 xp because I am fearing the new
plane will be a deathfest.

Yeah, I hear that. I experience the same

Eastern Time,

6:00pm : Home from work, get the women on
the cooking, I fire up eq.
Harmonic lets you all know he was
.ugh I cant do it, caps..
just kidding!

6:15pm : Ooops, the login server is F'd up
once again.

6:30pm : What is all this lag? Christ...
doh, 2,000 people on
each server, go Verant! Way to
keep up with demand.

7:00pm : Camped in hateplane, now bumming
for a group.

7:05pm - 11:00pm : /shout more scorn
banshees damnit, what is this
their night off or

11:15pm : Weather comes on the news,
girlfriend starts chanting,
'camp camp camp camp' One more
pull hon, and I'll come
to bed.

4:00am : Got to work in 4 hours, ugh. No
armor drops, one more
pull... one more scorn
banshee... please... falling asleep.

That is how my nights are going recently.
Although I did finally
get a Six note blade. Five bards in the
hateplane, yikes. Lots
of competition.


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Please send submissions for the eqbards
newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 18
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:48:53 -0600
From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
Subject: RE: Made 45 last night and love my new song :)

Congrats to you guys!! Woo Hoo!! Nice going!

Sylly Songsynger
<The Pantheon>
Bard of the 42nd song
somewhere on Innoruuk

-----Original Message-----
From: kim@... [mailto:kim@...]
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 3:02 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Made 45 last night and love my
new song :)

From: <kim@...>

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Rokenn Swiftsong wrote:
> Then last night after Vox (which was John's (tm) first
dragon run btw) I

Heh. Two ice giants spawned on top of my group literally
a second after we were given the order to move in. I got to
see Vox for about 30 seconds before she dropped, then died
seconds later to the giants.

Congratulations on the new horn. Immediately after Rokenn
the lotto, he was dancing around like a kid on Christmas
trying out his new toy (literally - the horn animation has
the dance :).


Message: 19
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 12:58:09 -0500
From: "Joshua R. Moore" <josh@...>
Subject: RE: Made 45 last night and love my new song :)

For all us bards that like to charm people while dueling, only one more
night left to do it (I think)

Nothing more humiliating to a warrior than making them sit while you heal
up, recharm, pet sit, rince repeat;)

From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>

Congrats to you guys!! Woo Hoo!! Nice going!

Sylly Songsynger

<The Pantheon>

Bard of the 42nd song

somewhere on Innoruuk

-----Original Message-----

From: kim@... [mailto:kim@...]

Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 3:02 PM

To: eqbards@onelist.com

Subject: Re: [eqbards] Made 45 last night and love my

new song :)

From: <kim@...>

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Rokenn Swiftsong wrote:


> Then last night after Vox (which was John's (tm) first

dragon run btw) I

Heh. Two ice giants spawned on top of my group literally


a second after we were given the order to move in. I got to

see Vox for about 30 seconds before she dropped, then died


seconds later to the giants.

Congratulations on the new horn. Immediately after Rokenn


the lotto, he was dancing around like a kid on Christmas

trying out his new toy (literally - the horn animation has

the dance :).

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

Hey Freelancers: Find your next project through JobSwarm!

You can even make money in your sleep by referring friends.

<a href=" http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/jobswarm1 ">Click Here</a>


Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 20
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 13:03:55 -0500 (EST)
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

> 5:45
> Get home, turn on pc. Open cupboards looking for something
> that can cook in the time it takes my pc to boot. Fail miserably.
Decide I > don't really need to eat anyway.

Next time you go to the store, get lots of soup and 5min frozen dinners
<g> If you are a health nut, get the Healthy Choice dinners ;-)
I think for the past 9 months, I've lived on just that.

> 6:00
> "What is all this lag? Christ... doh, 2,000 people on each
> server, go Verant! Way to keep up with demand."

LOL, I bet this applies to everyone here ;)

> 10:00
> Housemate 2 comes in completely pissed that the vcr messed
> up the tape of the latest Buffy episode (note: he's 32). I resist the
urge > to ask what the "purpose" of Buffy is.

Nothing wrong with Buffy ;-) Although I haven't watched tv in 9
months or so <g>

My friends keep trying to drag me out to play PuttPutt, or watch
some Movie, yuk... that means I'd have to hang around other people
and drive and spend money... Ahhh, my nice comfortable chair...
Accept, esc, esc, esc... /smirk



Message: 21
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 13:19:13 -0500
From: "Joshua R. Moore" <josh@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

I think there only needs to be one comment made here:

Remember, its only a game(grin)

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> 5:45
> Get home, turn on pc. Open cupboards looking for something
> that can cook in the time it takes my pc to boot. Fail miserably.
> don't really need to eat anyway.

Next time you go to the store, get lots of soup and 5min frozen dinners
<g> If you are a health nut, get the Healthy Choice dinners ;-)
I think for the past 9 months, I've lived on just that.

> 6:00
> "What is all this lag? Christ... doh, 2,000 people on each
> server, go Verant! Way to keep up with demand."

LOL, I bet this applies to everyone here ;)

> 10:00
> Housemate 2 comes in completely pissed that the vcr messed
> up the tape of the latest Buffy episode (note: he's 32). I resist the
> to ask what the "purpose" of Buffy is.

Nothing wrong with Buffy ;-) Although I haven't watched tv in 9
months or so <g>

My friends keep trying to drag me out to play PuttPutt, or watch
some Movie, yuk... that means I'd have to hang around other people
and drive and spend money... Ahhh, my nice comfortable chair...
Accept, esc, esc, esc... /smirk


--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

Hey Freelancers: Find your next project through JobSwarm!
You can even make money in your sleep by referring friends.
<a href=" http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/jobswarm1 ">Click Here</a>


Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 22
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:19:37 -0700
From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr


Heh, good point really :-)
And I never thought I had an "addictive personality"

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua R. Moore
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 11:19 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Binding grrrr

From: "Joshua R. Moore"

I think there only needs to be one comment
made here:

Remember, its only a game(grin)

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> 5:45
> Get home, turn on pc. Open
cupboards looking for something
> that can cook in the time it takes my pc
to boot. Fail miserably. Decide
> don't really need to eat anyway.

Next time you go to the store, get lots of
soup and 5min frozen dinners
<g> If you are a health nut, get the
Healthy Choice dinners ;-)
I think for the past 9 months, I've lived
on just that.

> 6:00
> "What is all this lag?
Christ... doh, 2,000 people on each
> server, go Verant! Way to keep up with

LOL, I bet this applies to everyone here

> 10:00
> Housemate 2 comes in
completely pissed that the vcr messed
> up the tape of the latest Buffy episode
(note: he's 32). I resist the
> to ask what the "purpose" of Buffy is.

Nothing wrong with Buffy ;-) Although I
haven't watched tv in 9
months or so <g>

My friends keep trying to drag me out to
play PuttPutt, or watch
some Movie, yuk... that means I'd have to
hang around other people
and drive and spend money... Ahhh, my nice
comfortable chair...
Accept, esc, esc, esc... /smirk


--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor

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through JobSwarm!
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http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/jobswarm1 ">Click Here</a>


Please send submissions for the eqbards
newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor

Hey Freelancers: Find your next project
through JobSwarm!
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Please send submissions for the eqbards
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 23
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 13:25:35 -0500
From: "Joshua R. Moore" <josh@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

Naw, that aint blasphemy. what is blasphemy is that Utility that MAxtor
includes with its har drives.. MaxBlast.. UGG=)
Now that is plasphemy. Ever tried to format a drive regularly that has
maxBlast installed? It dont work.
ITs a PC techs nightmare;)

From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>


Heh, good point really :-)

And I never thought I had an "addictive personality"

-----Original Message-----

From: Joshua R. Moore


Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 11:19 AM

To: eqbards@onelist.com

Subject: RE: [eqbards] Binding grrrr

From: "Joshua R. Moore"


I think there only needs to be one comment

made here:

Remember, its only a game(grin)

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> 5:45

> Get home, turn on pc. Open

cupboards looking for something

> that can cook in the time it takes my pc

to boot. Fail miserably. Decide


> don't really need to eat anyway.

Next time you go to the store, get lots of

soup and 5min frozen dinners

<g> If you are a health nut, get the

Healthy Choice dinners ;-)

I think for the past 9 months, I've lived

on just that.

> 6:00

> "What is all this lag?

Christ... doh, 2,000 people on each

> server, go Verant! Way to keep up with


LOL, I bet this applies to everyone here


> 10:00

> Housemate 2 comes in

completely pissed that the vcr messed

> up the tape of the latest Buffy episode

(note: he's 32). I resist the


> to ask what the "purpose" of Buffy is.

Nothing wrong with Buffy ;-) Although I

haven't watched tv in 9

months or so <g>

My friends keep trying to drag me out to

play PuttPutt, or watch

some Movie, yuk... that means I'd have to

hang around other people

and drive and spend money... Ahhh, my nice

comfortable chair...

Accept, esc, esc, esc... /smirk


--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor


Hey Freelancers: Find your next project

through JobSwarm!

You can even make money in your sleep by

referring friends.

<a href="

http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/jobswarm1 ">Click Here</a>


Please send submissions for the eqbards

newsletter to lol@...

with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been


--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor


Hey Freelancers: Find your next project

through JobSwarm!

You can even make money in your sleep by

referring friends.

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Please send submissions for the eqbards

newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

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You can even make money in your sleep by referring friends.

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Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 24
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:20:43 -0700
From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

I know I'm addicted to having fun with other people. Unfortunately I've
been in so many bad groups lately that hasn't translated into playing as
much EQ as I used to. I think that's the biggest drawback to the bard
class. When you get in a bad group, its the bard that pays the price. At
least that's been my experience.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cranfill, Wendy [mailto:Wendy_Cranfill@...]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 11:20 AM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Binding grrrr

From: "Cranfill, Wendy" <Wendy_Cranfill@...>


Heh, good point really :-)
And I never thought I had an "addictive personality"

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua R. Moore
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 11:19 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Binding grrrr

From: "Joshua R. Moore"

I think there only needs to be one comment
made here:

Remember, its only a game(grin)

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> 5:45
> Get home, turn on pc. Open
cupboards looking for something
> that can cook in the time it takes my pc
to boot. Fail miserably. Decide
> don't really need to eat anyway.

Next time you go to the store, get lots of
soup and 5min frozen dinners
<g> If you are a health nut, get the
Healthy Choice dinners ;-)
I think for the past 9 months, I've lived
on just that.

> 6:00
> "What is all this lag?
Christ... doh, 2,000 people on each
> server, go Verant! Way to keep up with

LOL, I bet this applies to everyone here

> 10:00
> Housemate 2 comes in
completely pissed that the vcr messed
> up the tape of the latest Buffy episode
(note: he's 32). I resist the
> to ask what the "purpose" of Buffy is.

Nothing wrong with Buffy ;-) Although I
haven't watched tv in 9
months or so <g>

My friends keep trying to drag me out to
play PuttPutt, or watch
some Movie, yuk... that means I'd have to
hang around other people
and drive and spend money... Ahhh, my nice
comfortable chair...
Accept, esc, esc, esc... /smirk


--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor

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through JobSwarm!
You can even make money in your sleep by
referring friends.
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Please send submissions for the eqbards
newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.

[Non-text portions of this message have been

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor

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Please send submissions for the eqbards
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

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Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.


Message: 25
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 13:25:40 -0500 (EST)
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
Subject: RE: Binding grrrr

> I know I'm addicted to having fun with other people. Unfortunately I've
> been in so many bad groups lately that hasn't translated into playing as
> much EQ as I used to. I think that's the biggest drawback to the bard
> class. When you get in a bad group, its the bard that pays the price.
At > least that's been my experience.

Yep. Bard always pays the price in poor grouping. No other class
has 50% or so of its resources dedicated to party scenarios. Bards
groups to live, and die as it may be ;)

I've built up some strong game relationships that I continually come
back to. It's not the game anymore that's fun. It's those people
whom I've gotten to know very closely that keep me coming back.

