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Message ID: 13395
Date: Fri Jan 21 15:40:43 GMT 2000
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: Re: Late nights and new song (joke)

> Oh Harmonic, I feel affinity to you now. I am _scared_
> (Mara refrains from caps due to this newfound camaraderie).

It's mostly a tease, although caps usually means emphasis,
people like to use it to shout at you, so to speak. However,
I think strong sentance structure and thought flow can relay
the same desired emphasis effect. Some things you can't help ;)
IMO, YMMV, IIRC ... even EQ! hehehe.

I don't mean to single out any one person, but reading John's(tm)
e-mails is very relaxing to me, since his grammar and spelling
are excellent, his thoughts are very well organized, and he makes
a huge impact without 'quoting' or CAPPING. I aspire to be more
like you John(tm) /end shameless plug


Telling people not to caps strong words is like telling someone:
'Hey you cannot come into the hateplane, we are here now.' /laugh

> And the agreement around my place is: no complaining! I did it to myself!


> Hey, I really lucked out on an imbrued bracer drop from a cube in Fear
> the other night. I get these frantic tells from my group: "Quick! Get
> ressed and loot this bracer before it poofs!". LOL like I had any
> control.

wowowow. That's awesome! lottoplasms rock.

> Seriously, the lead monk went above and beyond (thanks Shishio) to drag
> me back to be ressed with two Amy warriors on him.

I've got monk friends like that too. Bold little guys, I guess if I
had a button like they do I'd be more daring as well. Instead of
Feign Death the button should be called 'You Can't Kill Me. Nya Nya'

> Here's a suggestion for a new song: Denon's Disco Inferno. Makes
> everyone in your party dance as long as you play it. Or....makes
> the mobs dance and stop attacking you. Kind of like Lullaby but much
> funnier animation.

You know, everytime I'm in the PoF - I have to take off all my armor
and play tiny bubbles of music. Nekkid Dance Party! Then people also
want to be able to dance with me, but they cant. I wouldn't mind if
Verant put in a skill/song/instrument that did nothing more than make
your party members dance.

on a side note: Has anyone watched an Ogre /dance ? omfg... it's
hilarious. That is _the_ best emote in the game.
