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Message ID: 1381
Date: Wed Jun 2 21:55:19 BST 1999
Author: David.Lynam@xxxxxx.xx.xxx
Subject: Re: Macro setup for bards

I have my first two slots as melee weapons, the next is a blank, and the
next three are instruments. I have the next bank set up for the first 6
song slots, and the next bank for miscellaneous skills. Thusly I seldom use
foraging anymore.

Ka`Lend, 24th Wood Elven Bard on Rallos Zek

-----Original Message-----
From: Reece, Tom CPT - 30th Signal Bn
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 3:51 PM
To: EQBards
Subject: [eqbards] Macro setup for bards

From: "Reece, Tom CPT - 30th Signal Bn" <ReeceT@...>

The recent discussion on the use of the /assist command has got me wondering
how other bards setup their macros. For myself, up to this point I have
only used one bank (6 hot-keys) of macros. I have not setup the other five
banks. If I have confused anyone, I use the term bank to refer to the six
buttons you can hotkey in the lower left hand portion of your screen. You
can hit Shift-# to switch banks or you can use your mouse to cycle through

For my first bank, I have two inventory slots and two melee slots macroed so
I quickly switch from weapon/shield to an instrument if the situation calls
for it. I have hot-keyed Sense Heading and Foraging to take up the other
two slots. I hotkeyed Sense Heading so when I am fleeing I dont have to
worry about switching macro banks. I have Foraging hotkeyed so I can
continually click on it in between combats.

I haven't worried about macroing songs because I can click on them with my
mouse just as easy as hitting the hotkey.

I'm beginning to think that I should place /assist on my main macro bank but
don't like the idea of moving Sense Heading or Forage to another bank.

How does everyone else have their hotkeys setup?


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