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Message ID: 13839
Date: Thu Jan 27 16:57:49 GMT 2000
Author: JasonF
Subject: RE: Play Time?

Frankly I don't like to think too much about this, but I'll come clean. If
I recall correctly Crier has ~54 days of played time. I checked about three
nights ago so I could be mistaken by a day or two - I was comparing my 44th
bard to a 46th cleric friend (she had 84 days, or 2,016 hrs). That puts my
played time on Crier alone at approximately 1,296 hours. I also have a 23rd
monk, 20th Enchanter and several chars at lvls 1-8. My monk was my first EQ
char and I played him a lot learning the game, so he probably has nearly as
many hrs as Crier despite being half her level.

Since your characters are on different servers, you've probably had a
slightly rougher time with each of them than if they'd been on the same
server. When I started my bard Crier, my monk bought her a full suit of
banded for 85pp and gave her about 40pp to get started. Even a mild
twinkage like that is a huge boost at early levels (I could really mow
through the gnolls in Blackburrow back then). If a player has a 50 necro,
he can basically twink his new warrior with a Executioner's Axe, full
Crafted Armor, jewelry etc. In addition he now knows all the zones, where
to hunt at each level, what to skip, where the items are located, he's got
friends, and on and on. This makes leveling the second char vastly faster,
as evidenced by my bard vs. my monk. My monk was clueless.

Do not feel bad or jealous. I have found in my informal surveys that a
large percentage of the players with 50s or multiple 50s are college
students. They have fast connections in their dorms and a lot of free time.
Quite seriously I wouldn't be surprised at all to find that EQ was the
reason that a lot of students had flunked out of school. EQ is a drug and
can be overdone just like cocaine, crack, heroin. How many of us on this
list have practically crawled out of bed in the morning and sat zombie-like
through work? Or called in "sick" to play? Or spent 40 hours playing over
a weekend and were pissed when it was over? There is a psychologically
addictive aspect to these games that will have to be dealt with by society
at some point. As the worlds become more and more realistic and the
interfaces become more accessible to non-computer oriented folks there will
be a rising percentage of the populace that has this addiction.

My two cents.

[44 Bard] Crier (Half Elf) <Seekers of Norrath> ZONE: work

> From: David Nolle <dnolle@...>
> Alright, I've been reading this list for a long time and been playing EQ
> since about three weeks after release. It simply blows my mind
> that anyone
> could have a 50th Level character, let alone more than one! I've
> got three
> characters, each on a different server:
> Pendor, 12 Level Paladin (4 days, played, my first character ever)
> Windsinger Legendmaker, 24th Level Bard (22 days Played, favorite)
> Nona, 7th lvl enchanter (6 hours played, this weekend...grin)
> I thought this much time played (678 hours) meant I was a complete addict!
> I just have to know what the play time is on a few "high" (>40) level
> characters. Is everybody un-employed, rich, or just way smarter players
> than I (I sure don't rule that out...grin)? I'm not
> trolling...just bloody
> well amazed and curious (and obviously jealous).