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Message ID: 14037
Date: Sat Jan 29 19:23:08 GMT 2000
Author: Blitz Krieg
Subject: (OT) Lower level discrimination was Play Time?

> Harmonic wrote:
> > > A big problem I noticed that is L25-L30 people popping into lguk
> > > and solb, and hogging space that a higher level person should
> > > be utilizing.

> Kenross
> You leveled at about the same rate as my friends did, and after asking
> them to come visit me in many of the zones that they told me were swell
> for getting experience, they were universally glad that they managed to
> beat the crowding curve. It may have been bad when you were coming up,
> but it's worse now.
> In the end, I actually agree with you, though. The problem stems from a
> lack of stuff for high level players to do, which ought to be Verant's
> first priority.

It's humorous to me to hear a higher level player suggesting a low level
character is taking up space that could be better utilized by a higher level
character. What's ironic about this is those of in the middle of the level
curve (I am level 37 now, probably in the thick of the "average player")
have been dealing with overcrowding our whole lives. Newbies areas at low
levels were packed when the players with the opportunity to play more and
level faster were moving into empty higher level areas. By the time the
curve made it to those higher level areas, those with the time were moving
into places like Cazic, MM, Guk, Sol A. When I was moving into Sol A, U
Guk, MM, and Cazic all these places were crowded (ever fought in MM with 2
groups in the Graveyard or CT with 3 groups sharing 4C's?!), whereas Sol B
was relatively empty. We've been fighting for room to play at every turn.
Finding alternative places to hunt became a must if you wanted any sort of
forward exp gain. I don't think the fast levelers had any of these issues
until lately when the level curve caught up. Now, since they haven't had a
chance to deal with this while growing up, it becomes a serious issue and
the lower levels are all of a sudden not allowed in a certain area? Were
there level requirements on dungeons when the fast levelers were entering
them? A level 30 is paying the same amount for the game as a level 50. To
suggest that he can not go somewhere that he wants to go is absurd. Not
only is it impossible (because there's no room) for him to take the next
step up (fighting in CT can get boring after 10 levels), he's also now not
welcome there in the first place?

I guess I should not be surprised at hearing this. It was some of the fast
levelers that showed the same sort of behavior many months ago when talking
about the "best" group and which classes would not be invited into a group
because they didn't add the most bang for the buck. This selfish attitude
surprised the average gamer then, as it surprises me now.

Yes, the problem now is not having enough high level places to hunt, but
believe me, if you are level 50 or have been level 50 for awhile, you are
only just beginning to see the real problem that most of the population has
been seeing for almost a year now. Because the underlying problem is
there's not enuf places for the curve, whichever level ranges that might
span at any given time.

I can't wait for Fennin Ro to split so they can move on to splitting the
next highest servers (Xegony should be one of the top 3!). Then I might be
able to wander into lguk and find room for 2 to join.

Darkfox Reven'tsol