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Message ID: 14280
Date: Sat Apr 3 22:49:12 BST 1999
Author: SteelWolf
Subject: Re: negativity

Ugh. this post I find very undesirable reading. I think opinions about
Verant's quality should be left off this list. The start of this thread
was basically a request to keep things from being a "flame Verant" event
if I understood correctly. This entire post was nothing but a long rant,
and just showed to drive the orginial poster's point home. If your
intent is to drive people away from reading eqbards that want to learn
more about the bard class, you are succeeding.

Please refrain from posting this sort of rant. It's not someone I want
cluttering my inbox. Here's an example for you. If you go to a fine
restaurant, then order food, but dislike it intensely, complain to the
chef of it's quality, then demand your money back, do you go back there
the next night for dinner, hoping the chef has miraculously changed his
cooking style to suit you?

If you answer yes, you are either very naive or live in a very small and
secluded cave. We don't have to agree on the quality of Verant's
product, but this isn't the forum to discuss it. If you are so woefully
dissatisfied, QUIT PLAYING IT. It is a recreational thing, not a
brokerage firm that has all your money.

Ariell Thunderwolf, Karana

> since beta. Verant as a whole _is_ lazy.
> I want to help Verant, I have ideas, I have time to test, I even
> have
> the patience to live through their mistakes. But every g'damn time
> I log into the game, I'm riddled by bugs, by crashes, by problems.
> It's amazing that it even still works, although they will claim it's
> never been broken.
> Yeah, I could grow up a little, and lay off the cursing, lay off the
> Flame Verant bandwagon, but they've lost their players admiration in
> this 'vision' they have. If they want to keep screwing around with
> things because it fits their ideas of the game they want without
> considering what the players are looking for in their game, they
> are bound for a rude awakening.
> Harmonic.