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Message ID: 14283
Date: Thu Feb 3 21:49:00 GMT 2000
Author: firehawk@cloud9.net
Subject: Re: negativity

I also started with this list in the beginning. I also am tired of the complaints. But there I must ask to disagree. This is not a failing on our part this is a failing on Verant's part and continues to be. Verant hasn't fixed much of anything for bards... or atleast anything they didn't break in the first place and that in an of itself is the problem. Most of the complaints here are not and have not been "hey they gave druids super teleport powers thats not fair" It's things like "Hey wasn't it a month ago verant promised us an Archmage answers to bard questions", "Hey why is it the fix a wizard levitate problem and now we fall down and die if we use the levitate song" "Hey we can't surf anymore but we still don't have a drum after a almost a year of we are going to add it to the next artwork patch"

I'm tired frankly of hearing people go shhh be quiet don't complain or they won
't pay attention to real problems. I'm sorry to point this out but bards more then any other class have been silent it's only been really the last 2 months that bards have REALLY started to become "whiners" take a look at the site histories for the last year. Everyone else has had issues addressed, we have not. Your a programmer,, are you going to tell me if you edited a code that completely disabled another modual in your program and didn't catch it in testing that your boss wouldn't be on your neck? I'm also in technology and I assure you if I did what Verant's programing staff has been doing I'ld be on the street LONG ago.

Your right it is a game and it is a fun one. Of course the problem is the closer to greatness you are the more glaring your faults. The more you ignore them the more obvious they become.
On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 14:39:56 -0500 eqbards@onelist.com wrote:
> It's getting to be so sad. When I read the patch message I was happy. I
> actually said "Yes, finally" out loud to myself. Then I see the number of
> eqbard emails that are negative and it saddens me. When did everyone get so
> into complaining all the time? Every time Verant fixes something someone
> else has to complain. They nerfed this or now this isnt fair to us. I
> think everyone should chill. Verant is made up of PEOPLE. People arent
> always perfect and I am sure, from being a programmer myself, that they are
> trying there damnest to get things right. Maybe if everyone wouldnt
> complain about every little nittpicky thing Verant would be more receptive
> when there is a real problem. And maybe they would be more willing to ask
> for our opinions on what should change. Instead it seems they always have
> to defend their choices or apologize. This is a game. A very fun one at
> that. When something goes wrong I live with it. It's not going to kill me.
> I'll still be here tomorrow. I joined this list in the very beginning so
> that I could learn about upcoming levels and have someone to ask questions
> to if I needed. Now I open my folder and delete, delete, delete, delete.
> Too bad. Wouldnt it be nice if this were a happier place?
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