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Message ID: 14356
Date: Fri Feb 4 16:02:33 GMT 2000
Author: Rokenn Swiftsong
Subject: My take on the Arch Magi Answers column

Q: Will twisting ever be coded against? I.e. is it considered cheating? If
it is, I definitely want to know about it now.
A: Twisting is not cheating. It won´┐¢t be coded against. We are even looking
at putting a little something extra in to help the people with slower
machines twist better, while not allowing those with faster machines to
twist more often.

Me: This could be very interesting.


Q: If any instruments raise song effectiveness, can you please have that
listed when we examine it?
A: Using an instrument will always increase the effect of a song - assuming
that type of song can be increased by an instrument (example: Any set of
Drums will make you run faster when playing Selo´┐¢s Accelerando). Some
instruments will increase your effect more then others. The same new display
code that is going in to help with the Song/Skill identification will also
display instrument bonus/penalties.

Me: Penalties?


Q: Can you explain your thoughts behind Psalm of Purity and Psalm of
Vitality? These songs are simply useless since any 5th level druid and 4th
level cleric can cure the disease and poison these songs are supposed to
protect from. I mean truly 39 points of disease protection for a 29th level
A: These songs, in addition to protecting from poison and disease, also have
chances to remove a poison or disease effect on you. They are a mixture of a
cure and a resistance buff in one.

Me: Has anyone ever seen this work? I know Raiel did some tests in newbie
areas and had no success.


Q: What is the specific impact wielding a flute has on each of the
following: Cinda's Charismatic Carillon, Tarew's Aquatic Ayre, Solon's Song
of the Sirens, Crission's Pixie Strike, and Agilmente's Aria of Eagles?
A: Greater Faction increase, none, none, Lowers more Magic Resistance, none.

Me: If Solon's Song of the Sirens is not enhanced be equiping a flute then
why is it listed as a wind song? Using a flute with Crission's Pixie Strike
does not increase the MR debuff.


Q: I play a shaman. This is perhaps a bit off the mark, but I was wondering
what are the best buffs for a bard? For example, I recently discovered ´┐¢
that dexterity helps a bard, as does charisma. Any other buffs that a wise
bard should be asking for?
A: Charisma and Dexterity are the best Buffs. Most Bards that I know can
also always use a few more points of strength - their armor usually puts
them dangerously close to encumbrance. AC & HP buffs are also nice - most
denizens of Norrath have an inexplicable hatred of music and tend to take it
out on nearby minstrels.

Me: **Warning Sarcasm Alert** I do not think the hatred of muscian's in
Norrath is limited to the Mobs....


Overall not much in the way of useful info. We do get teased with an upgrade
charm song though :-/ Also on a side note, Abashi mentioned in a reply on
the Sony EQ boards that due to the bug with the SLN damamge shield GZ found
**gasp** sign errors on how damage shields stack. He says these have been
fixed and should be in the next patch. Maybe this will fix how Psalm of
Cooling stacks.
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