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Message ID: 14383
Date: Fri Feb 4 17:01:21 GMT 2000
Author: Rokenn Swiftsong
Subject: Follow up questions to Arch-Magi Answers Volume V - 2.3.00

Geoffry, Thank you for taking the time to answer so many bard questions. I
have a few follow ups if you do not mind.

Q: Why do we not have the ability to play Invisibility and See Invisibility
songs together? Or perhaps allowing our see invisible to be played on top of
a casters invisible or camouflage?
A: Any effect that hits you while invisible turns you visible. We recently
added the See Invisible component to the Bard´┐¢s invisibility song - this
should help the problem. (Or you can just follow the cool sparkles)

Follow up: As you most likely know by now this change did not go live on the
2/3/2000 patch.


Q: Is Kellin's Lucid Lullaby (Lvl 15) supposed to have a memory blur
A: Nope.

Follow up: The old spell lists from Beta indicate that Lullaby nix'd the
hate list. And in the first few months of retail it did so as well (work
very well when partnered with a wizard or rogue). Now the hate list nix'ing
no longer seems to work. Was this removed, or is this a function of using
the song on higher level mobs?


Q: Ok this is a personal question and probably completely trivial, the
enameled black chestplate from lower guk is a black plate that is wearable
by all the plate wearing classes except Bard. I wear an inferior black plate
because I like the black plate look, can this plate be made available to
A: No reason. I changed it so that Bards can use it too - should be in this

Follow up: Now if there where only some black plate arms and bracers that
were bard wearable. My woodelf wants to channel Johnny Cash.


Q: Are there enhanced effects for these songs when the proper instrument is
equipped? In the case of Aquatic Ayre, is the enhancement range increased?
For Sirens and Pixie Strike, does it increased duration, chance of success,
or both?
A: Instruments only effect the primary effects of the song (healing, buff,
attack speed, etc.) - not the range/duration/chance of success, etc.

Follow up: The instrument portions of Fufil´┐¢s Curtailing Chant, Tuyen´┐¢s
Chant of Flame, and Tuyen´┐¢s Chant of Frost are still broken. Using an
instrument does not increase the damage or the resist debuff. Also contray
to one of your earlier posts McVaxius Berserker Crescendo does not require
an instrument.


Q: Can you explain your thoughts behind Psalm of Purity and Psalm of
Vitality? These songs are simply useless since any 5th level druid and 4th
level cleric can cure the disease and poison these songs are supposed to
protect from. I mean truly 39 points of disease protection for a 29th level
A: These songs, in addition to protecting from poison and disease, also have
chances to remove a poison or disease effect on you. They are a mixture of a
cure and a resistance buff in one.

Follow up: Several bards I know have tested the curative aspect of these
Psalms in the past and found this not to work. Is the chance of a cure very


Q: What is the specific impact wielding a flute has on each of the
following: Cinda's Charismatic Carillon, Tarew's Aquatic Ayre, Solon's Song
of the Sirens, Crission's Pixie Strike, and Agilmente's Aria of Eagles?
A: Greater Faction increase, none, none, Lowers more Magic Resistance, none.

Follow up: If Solon's Song of the Sirens is not enhanced by using a wind
instrument then why is it listed as a wind song? Also using a wind
instrument with Crission's Pixie Strike does NOT increase the MR debuff.


Thank you again for adressing these issues.

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server

EQ Bard Song Analysis

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