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Message ID: 14528
Date: Sat Feb 5 19:51:56 GMT 2000
Author: Blitz Krieg
Subject: Re: Some praise and a few questions

> 1. Last week I was in SK beating up treants(I know, I know bad juju
with druids, but I have faction to burn) when the necro in the party went
LD, I was still singing DDD and suddenly his Pet is on me like white on
rice(glad it was the level 20 pet hehe) has anyone else had this happen to
them? I was able to kill it with 59 HP left.

This happens to me all the time when my GF's mage goes LD. When someone
goes LD, their character turns into an NPC. The pet is then able to be
damaged and thus pissed off at you. The only way I know to stop it is for
the player to log back in in time, or to kill the pet. Or, to stop playing
ANY AE song as soon as you see the LD message.

> 3. I like many here only can play for about 2-4 hours a night 4 nights
a week, so a regular group is out of the question, hell my guildmates second
chars are starting to pass me in levels. So my question is where is good to
hunt solo or in a pickup<shudders> group? I'm burnt out with Lake Rathe and
SK been there since 17th when I left that hell on Norrath HighPass.

The courtyard in Cazic might work, tho all trains from the other areas run
thru there. It's also very laggy for me, for some reason. Courtyard in
Mistmoore is similar, with more trains and less lag. :) EK has some crag
spiders that might be soloable.

> 4. My current weapon load is Bladed Claws in Primary, Silvery 1h axe
secondary, and Dragoon Dirk in Ranged slot, I sometime switch in a BE Mace
in secondary to raise 1hb so I can use the Head Bopper Staff I have in the
bank when I make 29th. Is this a good weapon load or should I change
anything around ?

I'd suggest to put the Dirk in one of your main weapon slots occasionally,
just to keep piercing maxed. The stats on the Mace are better than the
Thulian claws (bad weapon other than the look, imo)... I would use the Mace
and Axe as main weapons.

Darkfox Reven'tsol