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Message ID: 14539
Date: Sun Feb 6 18:41:38 GMT 2000
Author: Talies the Wanderer
Subject: Rules and FAQ 1.8 - PLEASE READ THIS!

Greetings and Welcome to the EQ Bards Mailing List, a mailing list
dedicated to all for and about the Bard in EverQuest.
This list will be posted semi-regularly, and updated as often as is needed.
* * Updates made to the Instrument list * * *
If you have any suggestions, corrections, or frequently asked questions,
please let me know.

First, some basic rules:
(Common sense stuff, really)

1) Stay on Topic (as much as possible). While we do often stray off the
path of Bard-related stuff, lets try and keep the material "of-interest" to
our readers. Ex: Discussions of DoT nerfing are acceptable, because Bards
have DoTs. Discussions of Rogue Poison recipes are not. Discussions of
Quests and items are okay, as long as you make an attempt not to spoil
someone else's fun. Use [Spoiler] in the heading, or put spoiler space
(several blank lines) to let people know in advance. If you MUST post
something off-topic, please make it brief and put [OT] in the header.
Deliberate spam will NOT be tolerated, and any person doing so will be
immediately reviewed for warning, removal or banning.
On a related note, if you notice that your topic is straying from the
original thread, please change the subject header. Example: RE: Mistmoore
Battle Drums becomes: re: Fighting undead as a Bard (was RE: Mistmoore
Battle Drums) For those of you receiving the digest version, if you can
make an attempt to change the subject field to something appropriate, that
would help those of us not digesting our mail better pass it ;)

2) No Flaming. Not all of us share the same opinion as you do, but please
be considerate of one another. Take a moment to read through, and then
make sure someone hasn't already responded before posting hastily. We're
all human, and no one likes to be called names. If you simply MUST insult,
badger or degrade someone, DO IT PRIVATELY.

3) There is no Rule Number 3.

4) Watch for "KABONG!"s. KABONG! is an old list-term for a thread that is
being forcibly killed. This sometimes happens when a thread has
degenerated sufficiently off-topic to no longer be valid for this list, or
when the subject matter has become too inflammatory to be discussed.
Kabongs generally only occur in extreme situations.

5) No Attached Files! If you wish to share with us your latest picture,
some nifty article or the Happy99 worm, please simply include a link within
your email to an appropriate place online. If you have no access to such,
email the file to me, (except viruses ;) and I will post it for you, and
follow up to the list with the URL. Small infractions will probably be
overlooked, but let's try to be considerate of our European readers who
have to pay by the minute to download their mail.

6) Be Considerate of Others! Please keep "me, too!" posts to a minimum, and
try not to quote more of the message than necessary (although you should
always make sure that the message you are sending is properly referenced,
so that people reading the messages out of order are not completely
lost. And try not to abbreviate too much, or use strange "slang" or
incomprehensible euphemisms. Plain, clear speech is much more effective,
and will cause fewer "WTF?!" messages... Also, use spoiler headings and/or
spoiler spaces when presenting Quest hints or weapon details.

Okay, enough rules. Now for some Frequently Asked Questions!

Q: I keep seeing all these abbreviations: "DoT", "DD", "PGT", "MM", "GZ" -
What do they all mean?!
A: Well, the best way to learn is to check out the EverQuest Glossary at
http://amtgard.pinkpig.com/bards/eqglossary.htm (shameless plug). Briefly,
those four terms mean "Damage over Time" (refers to spells/effects that do
damage every few seconds for a while, instead of all at once), "Direct
Damage" (refers to spells/effects that do all their damage at once),
"Polished Granite Tomahawk" a nice weapon, "MM" is Mistmoore, a
mid-to-high level zone near Lesser Faydark, and GZ is Geoffrey Zatkin, the
Verant Designer in charge of spell balance (and thus a frequently consulted
individual when it comes to our songs....)

Q: What is "twisting" (or "weaving," "stacking," or "harmonizing"), and how
do I do it?
A: "Twisting" is the most common name (although much deprecated by those in
favour of more "period" terms) for singing multiple songs at once - or at
least making it seem that way. The short explanation is to stop one song
and immediately start another one, repeat as necessary. Since most song
effects have a duration of about 6 seconds, you have time to weave as many
as three (and I've even heard tell of four!) songs at once before the first
wears off, gaining the effects from all of them at once.
The long explanation, complete with illustrations, can be found here:
(thanks Tork@Nameless).

Q: What song do I get at <foo> level? What does this song do?
A: Well, again, shameless plug time: The EverQuest Bard's
Guild (http://amtgard.pinkpig.com/bards/eqbard.htm) has a list of
spellsongs, however, most people seem to prefer detailed statistics, so let
me refer you to http://rgonzalez.net/EQSongs/index.html (The Bardic Song
Analysis page), compiled by Rokenn Swiftsong. Also, the Soerbaird is a
wonderful site: http://www.soerbaird.com/
(Anyone want to suggest any other sites?)

Q: What do instruments do?
A: Some songs have associated instruments. Playing this instrument will
generally enhance the song by as much as 50%, but this is also related
to your relative skill with the instrument. Also, instrument skill is
partially responsible for failure rate of related songs. To avoid missing
notes, even when singing, keep your instrument skills maxed out.

Q: Are there any magical or "Unique" instruments for Bards?
A: Yes, there are several known "special" instruments in the world.
The Mistmoore Battle Drum (found in Mistmoore), which
increases the
effects of most drummed songs by 20%
The Lute of the Gypsy Princess (also found in Mistmoore) which
has no discernible special effect.
The Gypsy Lute (different from the Lute of the Gypsy Princess, in
that it is for a specific quest), which has no known special abilities.
Brahm's Horn (found in the Gorge of King Grobb) which has no known
discernible effect.
Kelin's Seven Stringed Lute which adds +9 DEX, +15 CHAR, +9
AGI. It also seems to add about 15-20% to stringed songs. Also called the
"Maestro's Lute." Found on the Maestro of Rancor in the Plane of Hate.
Drums of Selo's March (Found on Cazic Thule?) which increases the
effects of most drummed songs by 30%.
McVaxius' Horn of War (unknown) which adds +9 INT, +9 DEX, +15 CHA
and increases Brass song effects by 15%.
Minotaur Horns found on minotaurs in Steamfont and the Gorge of
Grobb are *wind instruments* (not Brass) with no known special
effect. They are, however, lighter than flutes.
The Lizard Scout Fifes are rumoured to be non-magical wind
instruments, but this still remains to be proven. (Would someone please
test this for me?)
Lyssa's Darkwood Piccolo is a wind instrument. Not sure if it
has any added effect. Found on Cazic Thule.
The Unicorn Horn (found in Lesser Faydark), acts as a Greater
Lightstone while held, as well as a wind instrument. It also has 5 charges
of Purge. It does not have any discernible effect on songs.
Small Brass Trumpet which acts as brass. Supposed to have a
greater effect than other brass instruments.
There are other instruments (notably those on the Plane of Hate)
that have yet to be fully tested. I'm still waiting on reports for those.

Q: What's the difference between a Lute and a Mandolin?
A: Weight and cost. Mandolins are lighter, but a little more expensive.

Q: What's with all these instrument parts I keep seeing? (Unfinished horn,
lute strings, mouthpiece, raw bamboo, etc.)
A: Nobody knows. Rumour has it, there was to have been another tradeskill:
"Instrument making", but nothing has ever been confirmed. In the meantime,
don't accidentally buy an unfinished horn, because believe me, they just
don't play the same.

Q: When I get Dual Wield, will I be able to play an instrument while
swinging a sword?
A: Unfortunately, no. While instruments are off-hand only items, they are
also considered two-handed. Besides, it's ever-so-much more fun to bash
monsters with your lute, dontcha think? (Sylly! WEP!)

Q: What's the best weapon/armour/equipment for <foo> level? Where should I
hunt at this level?
A: Okay - time to ask the list ;)

Q: What are "Hotkeys" and how do I create them?
A: You'll notice that in the lower left side of the screen you have 6 empty
boxes with the number "1" and two arrows above it. This is the "hotkey"
box. Initially, hotkeys default to the numbers 1-6 on your keyboard, but
you can reconfigure that through the options settings. Songs, spells, the
spellbook, socials, and inventory boxes can all be made "hotkeys". To
create a "hotkey", LEFT click on the box/spell/icon you want and HOLD it
down. After a second, the box will magically "lift up" and attach itself
to your pointer. Simply "drop" the new box onto the appropriate hotkey
slot, and blammo! Instant hotkey. Now, whenever you press the associated
hotkey button, you will activate the song/spell or action in that slot.
Inventory boxes do NOT "activate", putting them in your hotkey bank is
simply to avoid having to open your inventory to swap items in combat.

Q: Why would I want to swap items in combat?!
A: Well, not just in combat, but by placing inventory slots (General
inventory slots, or worn/wielded slots will work. Bag slots will NOT) into
your hotkey bank, you can grab (for example) your sword and swap it with an
instrument in order to heal faster, run faster or whatever. PRACTICE THIS
MANEUVER!!! You *WILL* drop your weapon or instrument at least once, and
more likely several times, so practice practice practice! And if you *do*
accidentally drop something, don't panic, just back up, grab the item and
run like crazy.

Q: Why can't Bards do <foo> as well as <other really buff class>?
A: Well, simply put, we're the "Jack of all Trades, Master of None." This
means that, while we can do so many different things (sneak, dual wield,
pick locks, safe fall, etc. etc.) we're not meant to be masters in any of
them, so you may notice certain skill caps (such as 40 for Forage and 75
for Sneak, etc.) that mean that you will never be incredibly good at these
skills. Be thankful that you get them at all.

Q: Is it true that The Jig of Vigor song increases mana regeneration speed
for your party members?
A: No. Here - let me emphasize that: NO!!!!! What the Jig does is
increase the rate of Stamina Regeneration every six seconds and hence the
display of the Stamina, Health, and Mana bars to show this
increase. Without the song playing the bars are refreshed every eight
seconds. The ultimate effect of this is that the mana bar "moves" every
six seconds instead of every eight seconds so it APPEARS to be moving
FASTER. In actuality - it is moving 75% of the distance it would move if
it waiting the other two seconds. So bottom line, it LOOKS like it is
regenerating faster but it does not. If you don't otherwise have a need to
regenerate stamina, you are wasting a memorized song slot. Or you can just
use GZ's short answer: "Urban Myth - Jig only gives fatigue back."
(Geoffrey Zatkin, Archmage of Norrath [And Verant Game-designer], November
18, 1999, in a letter to Rokenn Swiftsong)

Q: Why is there no Icon for the Bard Mana Song (Cassindra's Chorus of Clarity)?
A: "There are different types of Bard Songs. Most Bard Songs leave an icon
on your character because the song has a duration - usually 5 to 15
seconds. Each time the Bard sings the song she renews the duration - this
means that a Bard who continues to sing the song can potentially keep the
song effect going indefinitely.
Some Bard songs do not have durations - you receive the effect when the
Bard sings it, but will not get another "dose" until she sings it again.
Cassindra's Chorus of Clarity (the mana song) is one of these songs - it
does not have an actual duration, so you don't get an icon on your screen."
(Geoffrey Zatkin, December 2, 1999, in "Arch Mage Answers"
http://everquest.station.sony.com/everquest_h_archmage.html )

Q. Why can I never gain any experience in 2-handed slash or 2-handed blunt?
A. Although Bards have these skills, and even though they appear on the
trainer, you can never train 2-handed skills as a Bard. This is apparently
just something left over from Beta.

Q. What are the most important stats as a Bard?
A. Well, because no matter what I answer, someone will disagree with me, I
will say this: No matter what your starting stats, odds are, you will
eventually be able to balance any deficiencies out with magic items and

Q: Why are there no Bard Songs for Bard levels 39, 45, 47 and 49?
A: "When we was [sic] finishing up the Bard class, we wanted to leave some
room for expansion during the evolution of EverQuest. Because Bards get
one song per level, if we had given them all fifty songs there would have
been no room for expansion - aside from taking away older songs.
Expect to see new songs coming soon. These songs will not be anything that
radically redefines the Bard class - but they will be additions that help
keep the Bard interesting at high levels."
(Geoffrey Zatkin, November 15, 1999, in "Arch Mage Answers"
http://everquest.station.sony.com/everquest_h_archmage.html )

Okay, well, this FAQ is pretty long as it is - and I've run out of
ideas. If anyone has any suggestions for the next version, please feel
free to send them my way.

Talies the Wanderer
Assistant Moderator