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Message ID: 14585
Date: Tue Feb 8 15:37:58 GMT 2000
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: Re: A rant

> If you (the experienced plane and dragon people) are having problems
> with them, how do you think we (the young still impressed by watching a
> sand giant dying people) feel?

It's not the complexity or difficulty, its the bugs/bogus upgrades.

Fear, sheer raw volume of monsters with aggression ranges that make
a 150 range arrow look like a spitball. However, that said, fear is
still the same fear it was months ago, there are just more things to
kill. It's the easiest (read: least buggy) of the planes.

Hate, pathing and pets. When a monster doesn't have a pet by it's
side, try to count to 10, you should be dead before you finish.
I once saw a forsaken reverant on a pull run from the SW corner to
the SE corner, then up the north patrol and back to the SW corner.
(bind sight on him) He came back with many friends. It's ashame
our armor is here. I killed 6 static spawn banshees on Saturday,
not one of them dropped a damn thing.

Sky, well you've got two choices in sky. Teleport in to a highly
aggressive area with numerous L53+ monsters or teleport to an island
with 3 monsters (L61, and two L53+) hehe. People have been cheezin'
out the aggressive island by getting killed on the fairy island and
and warping to the Aza island agro'ing a few things and then getting
a rez back to fairy island and flip a coin as to whether the npcs
follow you back. Pray it's not all of them. PoS was not built with
the current L50 in mind. It really doesn't matter who you go with
not many groups can handle mobs that deal thousands of dmg per round.

Nagafen, sometimes casters get bugged when AE fear wears off. I
think they fixed this last patch. But Nagafen is still old naggy.
He just has had his numbers tweaked for dmg output.

Vox, numerous upgrades. She tends to want to stand and cast now,
very hard to pull her out. She resists slam/bash for all purposes.
And she just sits there and c.heals all day. Breath attack still
does the same dmg to me, although others say it's upgraded.

Vox, Nagafen, and now the Noble in PoS... one bubble hp lost to AE.
Regardless of my resistance, I always get hit for a bub.

> something thats kind of put a damper on some of our adventuring now that
> we see no long term furute for our group...

Verant can't make these things much harder. The crappy client network
code they have doesn't allow for more than 30 people to be in the same
place at the same time fighting something. They are making the dragons
and the planes so hard that it feels like they want more people there.
Even Gordo' said it himself, Verant expects X number of people to be
able to slay a dragon/god, and Y of them are expected to die. If Y
people don't die, Verant acts like a 12yr old GM and throws a little
fit and whines and pouts, and gets even next time.

'5d10 wasn't enough, next time I'll make it 10d10, let's see how they
like that.. hah'

They couldn't handle the fact that people were doing Meteor Island
in the Plane of Sky. So what did they do? Bump the numbers... add
the most cheesiest thing ever, a friggin DT. Try to pull those pretty
shimmering meteors now, Verant thinks. They melee in the 750s and
DT every 30 seconds... I mean come on, that's kinda overboard. They
cannot make their NPCs smart enough with tactics, so they just add
a DT so that those Y amount of players are bound to die. If it takes
2 minutes to kill CazicThule/Innoruuk/etc then thats at least 4 people
who will be dead without even getting the chance to do anything about
it. I realize that when fighting a god, he should have godlike powers.
But now Verant is equiping their normal mobs with Summon, with DT, with
you must be in melee range to cast. I don't think there will be a
future if these sort of brute force tactics are continued to be applied.
