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Message ID: 14616
Date: Tue Feb 8 20:53:00 GMT 2000
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: Re: A rant

> 45+ to get invited on a dragon raid. By the time you get to that level a
> few months down the road, the expansion will likely be out. Lets say in the
> expansion Verant raises the level cap to 75. So by the time us non 45+
> people get to 45th level, the current level 50s will be fastly approaching
> 75. You have to assume that a lot of these 75 people will still go on
> dragon raids.

Purely speculation on my part, however, I don't think the new level
limit is going to be L75, I think maybe L60 at most. And that each
consectutive level is going to be a hell level. The fact is Verant
can barely meet the needs of today, how on earth are they going to
make 25 more songs, when they cannot even finish off 3 of our missing
ones. An extra 25 levels means 4 more circles of spells per class.
Those extra levels mean new melee based skills. Frankly, I don't
think they have the time to do it. They haven't gotten it right
today, I don't think they will get it right tomorrow.

Now to apply that to the issue at hand. You L25 people, you L35
people, you will be L50 in what 6 more months? 9 more months?
Who cares? Live up the game to the fullest that it has to offer
you at your current level. Dragons are just a massive deathtrap.
When the expansion comes out, based on what I've said, you'll find
that you still have plenty of time to build your character to a
level where you finally catch up to the people who are doing
the big things and you will not be excluded.

I see a lot of people bash L50s because they are 'powerlevelers'
and they 'don't understand the fun of the game', yet I turn around
and see those same people whining because they aren't allowed to
go to the planes, or aren't allowed to be on a dragon hunt. I
put in way too many hours to get where I did. That said, I have
been to and seen 90% of Norrath, and I'd say 75% of it I know
like the back of my hand. I still see L50 players get lost, but
I've explored, I've roamed, I play with and help out the people
who need it. But damn I'm a L50 so I have no idea what it's
like being L25, or shit he's L50 he won't talk to me or he won't
help me out. This bard doesn't fit that stereotype, I'm afraid.

You see us talking about cool things, or you see us ego boosting
it's because we worked hard to get this far. I don't immediately
turn on people because they are 'green' to me. I cannot even list
the things I've done for countless people in different areas of
the world.. it's too staggering. One guy even said 'Wow, I thought
you Level 50 people just ignored people like me.' That makes me
feel damn proud when I hear things like that. I play non-anonymous
every night, and I answer every single line of purple text that
arrives on my screen. I don't need to /who the person and figure
out who they are or what level they are, I answer everyone with
the upmost respect regardless of their EQ ranking. I got at least
10 tells last night related to bard songs, bard quests, bard info.
And I'm happy to help people out in any way I can. I made 5 new
friends in permafrost last week, when me and a friend helped these
people clear out the king room whlie getting them exp and quest items.
Just yesterday I handed out a full suit of bronze to a L10 warrior.
Two shaman were watching us kill ice giants and cheering us on,
so I handed each of them 25pp. Why? Because I'm a f*ing nice guy,
that's why. I know exactly how hard it is to be L5, L10, L15, ...
I was there, I suffered through those times. I was broke, I wish
I had suchandsuch an item. I've been where all of you have been.

> I think the best way Verant can solve this problem for those of us currently
> not high enough to go on a dragon raid (if they even consider it a problem),
> is that once the expansion comes out, put a maximum level limit to zone into
> Permafrost or Sol B. Kind of like a reverse Plane level limit. If they
> limit entering those zones to level 50s and below , then they don't have to
> worry about level 75s coming in and easily killing a dragon. They also
> don't have to worry about continually making dragons tougher.

That's sort of extreme, but I wouldn't mind them blocking specific
dungeons in the reverse like that. However, lots of items for quests
drop in so many different places, it's so hard to exclude that broad
a range of people. They need to impose the yield rule and enforce
it in a more strict manner. I will never try to steal exp spawns
from a player if it can be helped. Although, I do not appreciate
lower level players busting in on me if I've been waiting on something
for several hours. That rarely happens, in fact I've never had an
item/mob conflict with any lower level person ever. Then again I'm
not usually camping things, I'm out kicking ass and taking names.

blah blah blah... I talk to much.

Bottom line, Level 50 players aren't always what you may think and
you will be there one day and you will have all the fun we are
having trust me.
