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Message ID: 14638
Date: Tue Feb 8 22:15:02 GMT 2000
Author: Perhaps a Princess...
Subject: RE: A rant

One of my best friends, RL, is a lvl 50 bard on Solusek Ro. I KNOW how
much effort she put in to get there. ALL last year. I also know I am
not willing to put that kind of time into the game. I do not envy the level
50s, though I do feel left out on occasion. I realize that is, indeed, a
of how much effort they were willing to put into the game, in comparison.

However, I do know that I am unsure about /tell'ing people that
high, unless I know them in particular. Because I do not want
to be seen as one of those annoying lower levels always bothering,

Sarah Heacock sarah@...
Meara, level 13 Enchanter, Master Jeweler, owner Meara's Boutique of
Mystiques, Phoenix, Solusek Ro /
Faerain, level 18 Soldier of Tunare, Phoenix, Solusek Ro /
Faesong, level 7 HalfElf Bard of Solusek Ro, Phoenix, Solusek Ro
(Blackburrow -- when I get back from Kelethin)

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ryan Honeyman [mailto:honeyman@...]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 12:53 PM
>To: eqbards@onelist.com
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] A rant
>From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
>> 45+ to get invited on a dragon raid. By the time you get to that level a
>> few months down the road, the expansion will likely be out.
>Lets say in the
>> expansion Verant raises the level cap to 75. So by the time us non 45+
>> people get to 45th level, the current level 50s will be fastly
>> 75. You have to assume that a lot of these 75 people will still go on
>> dragon raids.
> Purely speculation on my part, however, I don't think the new level
> limit is going to be L75, I think maybe L60 at most. And that each
> consectutive level is going to be a hell level. The fact is Verant
> can barely meet the needs of today, how on earth are they going to
> make 25 more songs, when they cannot even finish off 3 of our missing
> ones. An extra 25 levels means 4 more circles of spells per class.
> Those extra levels mean new melee based skills. Frankly, I don't
> think they have the time to do it. They haven't gotten it right
> today, I don't think they will get it right tomorrow.
> Now to apply that to the issue at hand. You L25 people, you L35
> people, you will be L50 in what 6 more months? 9 more months?
> Who cares? Live up the game to the fullest that it has to offer
> you at your current level. Dragons are just a massive deathtrap.
> When the expansion comes out, based on what I've said, you'll find
> that you still have plenty of time to build your character to a
> level where you finally catch up to the people who are doing
> the big things and you will not be excluded.
> I see a lot of people bash L50s because they are 'powerlevelers'
> and they 'don't understand the fun of the game', yet I turn around
> and see those same people whining because they aren't allowed to
> go to the planes, or aren't allowed to be on a dragon hunt. I
> put in way too many hours to get where I did. That said, I have
> been to and seen 90% of Norrath, and I'd say 75% of it I know
> like the back of my hand. I still see L50 players get lost, but
> I've explored, I've roamed, I play with and help out the people
> who need it. But damn I'm a L50 so I have no idea what it's
> like being L25, or shit he's L50 he won't talk to me or he won't
> help me out. This bard doesn't fit that stereotype, I'm afraid.
> You see us talking about cool things, or you see us ego boosting
> it's because we worked hard to get this far. I don't immediately
> turn on people because they are 'green' to me. I cannot even list
> the things I've done for countless people in different areas of
> the world.. it's too staggering. One guy even said 'Wow, I thought
> you Level 50 people just ignored people like me.' That makes me
> feel damn proud when I hear things like that. I play non-anonymous
> every night, and I answer every single line of purple text that
> arrives on my screen. I don't need to /who the person and figure
> out who they are or what level they are, I answer everyone with
> the upmost respect regardless of their EQ ranking. I got at least
> 10 tells last night related to bard songs, bard quests, bard info.
> And I'm happy to help people out in any way I can. I made 5 new
> friends in permafrost last week, when me and a friend helped these
> people clear out the king room whlie getting them exp and quest items.
> Just yesterday I handed out a full suit of bronze to a L10 warrior.
> Two shaman were watching us kill ice giants and cheering us on,
> so I handed each of them 25pp. Why? Because I'm a f*ing nice guy,
> that's why. I know exactly how hard it is to be L5, L10, L15, ...
> I was there, I suffered through those times. I was broke, I wish
> I had suchandsuch an item. I've been where all of you have been.
>> I think the best way Verant can solve this problem for those of
>us currently
>> not high enough to go on a dragon raid (if they even consider it
>a problem),
>> is that once the expansion comes out, put a maximum level limit
>to zone into
>> Permafrost or Sol B. Kind of like a reverse Plane level limit. If they
>> limit entering those zones to level 50s and below , then they
>don't have to
>> worry about level 75s coming in and easily killing a dragon. They also
>> don't have to worry about continually making dragons tougher.
> That's sort of extreme, but I wouldn't mind them blocking specific
> dungeons in the reverse like that. However, lots of items for quests
> drop in so many different places, it's so hard to exclude that broad
> a range of people. They need to impose the yield rule and enforce
> it in a more strict manner. I will never try to steal exp spawns
> from a player if it can be helped. Although, I do not appreciate
> lower level players busting in on me if I've been waiting on something
> for several hours. That rarely happens, in fact I've never had an
> item/mob conflict with any lower level person ever. Then again I'm
> not usually camping things, I'm out kicking ass and taking names.
> blah blah blah... I talk to much.
> Bottom line, Level 50 players aren't always what you may think and
> you will be there one day and you will have all the fun we are
> having trust me.
> Harmonic.
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