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Message ID: 14702
Date: Thu Feb 10 02:32:13 GMT 2000
Author: Ken Bachman
Subject: Are Bards useful? A diatribe...

Going back to the hybrid discussion, it is my contention that, by
Verant's definition:

Compared to casters, hybrids should have better melee and worse casting.
Compared to meleers, hybrids should have worse melee and better casting.
We are a hybrid.

For true class balance, the melee + casting component for all classes
should be equal, but the above must at the very minimum be true.

For the cost of a material component and fifteen seconds sitting plopped
on their butts, Necromancers, Magicians and arguably Enchanters have
better melee than we do, for as long as they are able to keep their pets
alive. So we fail the definition automatically.

Verant has specifically made our songs weaker than the corresponding
spells cast by other classes (Lullaby is a prime example) because: a)
they are the other classes' specialties, b) our songs affect an entire
group, and hence our songs are "more powerful" than individual spells,
and c) our songs do not require mana and hence can be cast indefinitely.

And yet, we can keep at *most* three songs going at a time, while many of
the clerics, shamans, druids and enchanters I know are capable of keeping
three (plus) buffs up on all party members while *also* casting combat
spells and healing (and, in many cases, meleeing better). If we can cast
fewer songs/spells than these other classes, and those songs are weaker
than the other classes' spells, and most of these classes are better at
melee than we are (either naturally or via pets), what use are we?

Further, even at level 42, I find my song selection to be severely
constrained because many of our best songs are incompatable with spells
that other classes are casting. And their's are better.

I am frequently invited on guild events with the level 50s, but I
strongly suspect that they are using me as a cheap clarity fill-in.
Especially since they are constantly sending /g Play Mana Song. After
all, a level 42 does not steal very much exp from five level 46-50s, and
clarity is pretty useful *given that small exp sacrifice*, if no higher
level is available to fill slot 6.

What happens when I get to level 50? Can I in good conscience argue that
I am actually a useful party member? It seems to me that the value of a
Bard shrinks as he approaches level 50, particularly if Harmonic is
correct and our MR songs are not really needed in Dragon/Planes raids.

I've been reading a lot of posts on various boards where people discuss
their "ideal" party makeup. Given that we are supposed to be the weakest
solo type and the strongest grouping type (correct?), one would expect a
Bard to be listed in one of the first few slots in most of these lists.
And yet, not one of the lists I have seen included a bard *at all*. Not
even when a list of alternates was given for slot 6.

I suspect that this is, in part, due to the fact that there are not very
many Bards (and why would there be, when there are so many much more
obviously powerful classes to choose from), and that it is in part due to
the fact that many Bards are clueless (at level 42, I am increasingly
surprised at the number of people who don't realize that we can twist
songs, for example). Still, doesn't the fact that nobody who has posted
a list like this has bothered to name the Bard at all suggest something
about class balance? Like, for example, we s**k?

I need reassurance. Wah!

Kenross Cantoforjado, 42 songs, Innoruuk
(bored in New York City, once again)