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Message ID: 14735
Date: Thu Feb 10 17:20:25 GMT 2000
Author: Naeeldar
Subject: Re: Are Bards useful? A diatribe...

Your with the wrong groups sadly if they only want mana song. If your in a
group that doesn't want speed then well they are nuts. Mana song is for
after battle especially at higher levels when the output isn't as good.


-----Original Message-----
From: John_Senior@... <John_Senior@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Are Bards useful? A diatribe...

>From: John_Senior@...
>I totally agree with you, I feel useless as a bard now. Last night in Lower
>guk I /ooc'd for a group got a tell saying come to the cav, I made my way
>down and they invited me, first thing I see is /g wooohooo, crack etc
>I stayed with the group for an hour or so and hit level 37, <cheers> then
>joined the sent group, as soon as I join once again I see /g wooo mana
>song. During a fight I started playing Celerity and I get /g just play mana
>Fine, if thats what the want. So I stand there doing pitiful amounts of dmg
>with my poor melee skills and provide the mana, is that all we are worth?
>I also noticed that I was fighting stuff that conned yellow to me at 37 so
>I couldn't even use charm when we got a big pull. I think Verant should
>make our level 39 song and upgraded charm that works on mobs upto level
>47-49 etc. It's gonna suck loosing one of our best abilities because we out
>levelled it.
>Madagan Songweaver, Bard of 37 songs <Guardians of Light>
>Veeshan Server
>Ps, Looking on the bright side my Ykesha now proc's and I traded my Runed
>Falchion and 600pp for a Sharkjaw Cutlass last night. Although the stats
>are not as good as the RF it can be weilded in either hand so it's better
>with my Ykesha in the main hand. =)
>Ken Bachman <kbachman@...> on 10/02/2000 02:32:13
>Please respond to eqbards@onelist.com
>To: eqbards@onelist.com
>cc: (bcc: John Senior/M&G)
>Subject: [eqbards] Are Bards useful? A diatribe...
>From: Ken Bachman <kbachman@...>
>Going back to the hybrid discussion, it is my contention that, by
>Verant's definition:
>Compared to casters, hybrids should have better melee and worse casting.
>Compared to meleers, hybrids should have worse melee and better casting.
>We are a hybrid.
>For true class balance, the melee + casting component for all classes
>should be equal, but the above must at the very minimum be true.
>For the cost of a material component and fifteen seconds sitting plopped
>on their butts, Necromancers, Magicians and arguably Enchanters have
>better melee than we do, for as long as they are able to keep their pets
>alive. So we fail the definition automatically.
>Verant has specifically made our songs weaker than the corresponding
>spells cast by other classes (Lullaby is a prime example) because: a)
>they are the other classes' specialties, b) our songs affect an entire
>group, and hence our songs are "more powerful" than individual spells,
>and c) our songs do not require mana and hence can be cast indefinitely.
>And yet, we can keep at *most* three songs going at a time, while many of
>the clerics, shamans, druids and enchanters I know are capable of keeping
>three (plus) buffs up on all party members while *also* casting combat
>spells and healing (and, in many cases, meleeing better). If we can cast
>fewer songs/spells than these other classes, and those songs are weaker
>than the other classes' spells, and most of these classes are better at
>melee than we are (either naturally or via pets), what use are we?
>Further, even at level 42, I find my song selection to be severely
>constrained because many of our best songs are incompatable with spells
>that other classes are casting. And their's are better.
>I am frequently invited on guild events with the level 50s, but I
>strongly suspect that they are using me as a cheap clarity fill-in.
>Especially since they are constantly sending /g Play Mana Song. After
>all, a level 42 does not steal very much exp from five level 46-50s, and
>clarity is pretty useful *given that small exp sacrifice*, if no higher
>level is available to fill slot 6.
>What happens when I get to level 50? Can I in good conscience argue that
>I am actually a useful party member? It seems to me that the value of a
>Bard shrinks as he approaches level 50, particularly if Harmonic is
>correct and our MR songs are not really needed in Dragon/Planes raids.
>I've been reading a lot of posts on various boards where people discuss
>their "ideal" party makeup. Given that we are supposed to be the weakest
>solo type and the strongest grouping type (correct?), one would expect a
>Bard to be listed in one of the first few slots in most of these lists.
>And yet, not one of the lists I have seen included a bard *at all*. Not
>even when a list of alternates was given for slot 6.
>I suspect that this is, in part, due to the fact that there are not very
>many Bards (and why would there be, when there are so many much more
>obviously powerful classes to choose from), and that it is in part due to
>the fact that many Bards are clueless (at level 42, I am increasingly
>surprised at the number of people who don't realize that we can twist
>songs, for example). Still, doesn't the fact that nobody who has posted
>a list like this has bothered to name the Bard at all suggest something
>about class balance? Like, for example, we s**k?
>I need reassurance. Wah!
>Kenross Cantoforjado, 42 songs, Innoruuk
>(bored in New York City, once again)
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