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Message ID: 14823
Date: Fri Feb 11 14:46:57 GMT 2000
Author: Greg Gillan
Subject: RE: Area Songs in Lguk [WAS:Does CHR affect Largos?

A warrior in my guild solo's HG's regularily. I've seen it. She not even
an ogre either, but a wussy dark elf. Monks can do it even more easily,
I've seen this too. I don't know off hand any paladins or rangers that have
tried, but I wouldn't be surprised if they could too. Well, maybe not
rangers =)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Honeyman [mailto:honeyman@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 6:32 PM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Area Songs in Lguk [WAS:Does CHR affect Largos?

From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> i think with the right equipment i don't think "never" applies to any of
> those classes except rogue. they may lose many times, but i am sure a
> warrior, paladin, and ranger with most of the best equipment in the game
> (there are many of these in my guild) could solo an HG. what do you think
> about monk? i'm sure they could as well. bards? of course we can ;)

You're right, never is too strong.

You've got a one in a million chance to solo an HG if you are
a warrior, paladin, monk, ranger, rogue.

HG = 4k HP, hits 96 x 2. Warrior = 1800 HP, hits 50 x 4 at most.
or hits 100 x 2 at most.

I'm not telling you a lie, when I say the HG will outlast the warrior.

In fact the delay of an HG is probably on par with about 20-25,
because those mofo's swing fast and hard.

No melee class has ever solo'd a HG toe to toe that I've ever heard of.
If someone wants to test this out or ask a L50 warrior if they are
willing to try it, that would be cool. Monks? hahahahahaha, sorry.
