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Message ID: 14831
Date: Fri Feb 11 16:57:57 GMT 2000
Author: kim@stormhaven.org
Subject: RE: Area Songs in Lguk [WAS:Does CHR affect Largos?

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas) wrote:
> pulling a lot of shadowmen for my wizard's mask quest, i noticed that you
> can see them moving (as opposed to teleporting), but it is so fast it is
> almost not noticeable. i have not tried to outrun them with my selo's drum.
> though it is quite fast (yes it is noticeable over a mm drum Scully, i mean
> Harm) i don't think it is anywhere near shadowmen speed.

One thing I've noticed is that bards really don't have a good
sense of how fast they run. A L32 bard guildmate of mine ran
past me with a MM drum, and my first thought was "Whoa, that's
fast." Same when I saw a druid cast SoC and run off.

I was going to meet some friends at a shadowmen site, when one
of them (KOS) ran into the (huge) aggro radius. I got to see
the shadowmen (well, the stuff they were holding :) fly off in
the direction of my friends. It is fast, but it is not
infinite. I had enough time to warn them, and they had time
to prepare (too bad they didn't use it :).

I'd been playing around with levitate when it happened so I
didn't have Accelerando up or I would've tried chasing them.

John H. Kim