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Message ID: 14911
Date: Tue Feb 15 14:34:11 GMT 2000
Author: Sylly Songsynger
Subject: Vhalen's Revenge (a player driven dynamic quest)

A cold, cruel wind blows across the Southern Plain of Karana. The escaped
Split Paw gnolls pay nary a bit of attention to the blue bardette as she
streaks by. Oh sure, they scowl but alas, lack the will necessary to
actually attack. A walled compound appears on the horizon. This bard has a

The doors in wall have been foolishly left unlocked. The front door on the
other hand is securely latched. Our bardette goes to the rear of the cabin
and finds that she can sit very close the joint between the wall and the
chimney and peer in through a crack just well enough to catch a glimpse of
the hermit. And then she plays a song that no one in the area can resist.

When she has his attention and hails him, he responds in a very mean and
nasty manner. He asks who has the audacity to enter his house (we presume he
extends his definition of house to his whole property.) (Author's note: we
did not happen to capture the actual dialog but you can get it in person by
hailing him. I wonder if they did not intend for there to be some 'secret
way' of actually entering the house but it is yet undiscovered or not
implemented. As there are barrels placed such that you can easily get on the
roof, perhaps they had planned a pitfall through the roof as the way to get
inside. But then never did it as it would mean having also some way to get
out of the house. Or a death trap for those too young to kill the hermit?)

[Sat Feb 12 19:14:29 2000] a hermit tries to kick YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:30 2000] a hermit punches YOU for 2 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:31 2000] You miss a note, bringing your song to a close!
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:31 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:32 2000]
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:33 2000] a hermit punches YOU for 2 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:35 2000] a hermit's eyes glaze over.
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:39 2000] You say, 'what winds of karana'
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:40 2000] a hermit says 'So you seek the two Song Sheets.
If you truly want them you will help the cause of the Unkempt Druids. Other
then that you will have to fight me for it. So which will it be? Will you
help the Unkempt Druids or will you fight me?
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:41 2000] You must first select a target for this spell!
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:41 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:52 2000] Your charm spell has worn off.
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:52 2000] a hermit says 'I shall chop you down as your
people have chopped down the beauty of the forests!!
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:52 2000] a hermit says 'Your foul deeds have earned my
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:52 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:14:52 2000] a hermit tries to kick YOU, but misses!

[Sat Feb 12 19:15:09 2000] a hermit's eyes glaze over.
[Sat Feb 12 19:15:22 2000] You say, 'i will help the unkempt druid'
[Sat Feb 12 19:15:22 2000] a hermit says 'Wise decision. I ask you then, go
to the Western Plains of Karana. Seek a farmer called Linaya Sowlin. Bring
me her heart. A Heart for a Song Sheet.
[Sat Feb 12 19:15:23 2000] Your charm spell has worn off.
[Sat Feb 12 19:15:23 2000] a hermit says 'I shall chop you down as your
people have chopped down the beauty of the forests!!
[Sat Feb 12 19:15:23 2000] a hermit says 'Your actions and history are a
personal affront to all I stand for.'
[Sat Feb 12 19:15:23 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:15:23 2000] a hermit tries to kick YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:15:26 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!

The bardette looks at this hermit and wonders... are you the one who stole
the song from the lute repairman? Hmmm, well, I guess there is one way to
find out. Follow me.

A short while later: "Hey! Vhalen is this the guy you were telling me

[Sat Feb 12 19:38:49 2000] a hermit's eyes glaze over.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:01 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:02 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:02 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 76 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:02 2000] Your charm spell has worn off.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:05 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:05 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:06 2000] a hermit kicks YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:08 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:08 2000] a hermit's eyes glaze over.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:08 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:10 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:11 2000] a hermit punches Vhalen Nostrolo for 25 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:11 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:12 2000] Taking a screenshot...
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:14 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:14 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 66 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:14 2000] You must first select a target for this spell!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:14 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:14 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:14 2000] a hermit tries to kick Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:16 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:16 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 31 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:17 2000]
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:17 2000] a hermit punches Vhalen Nostrolo for 2 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:19 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:19 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 47 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:20 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:20 2000] Your charm spell has worn off.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:21 2000] You think you are heading NorthWest.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:22 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 15 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:22 2000] a hermit tries to kick YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:23 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:23 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:23 2000] You miss a note, bringing your song to a close!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:24 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:24 2000]
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:25 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:26 2000] a hermit punches YOU for 23 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:28 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo's eyes glaze over.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:28 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:28 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 31 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:29 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:30 2000] a hermit kicks YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:30 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:30 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 38 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:32 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:33 2000] Ravedge tells you, 'um you ok?'
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:33 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:33 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 44 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:34 2000] You must first select a target for this spell!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:34 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:35 2000] a hermit punches Vhalen Nostrolo for 21 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:36 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch a hermit, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:38 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:38 2000] a hermit tries to kick Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:39 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:40 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 18 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:40 2000] Your charm spell has worn off.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:41 2000] You miss a note, bringing your song to a close!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:41 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:41 2000] You think you are heading East.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:42 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:42 2000]
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:42 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 15 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:45 2000] a hermit's eyes glaze over.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:45 2000] a hermit punches Vhalen Nostrolo for 15 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:45 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:46 2000] a hermit begins to cast a spell.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:48 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 44 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:51 2000] You must first select a target for this spell!
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:51 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:51 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 63 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:51 2000] a hermit punches Vhalen Nostrolo for 2 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:52 2000] a hermit tries to kick Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:53 2000] You think you are heading NorthWest.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:54 2000] a hermit begins to cast a spell.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:54 2000]
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:54 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 38 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:57 2000] Your feet move faster.
[Sat Feb 12 19:39:57 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 76 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:01 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 44 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:02 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo glares at you threateningly --
You could probably win this fight.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:02 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:02 2000] a hermit tries to kick Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:03 2000] Your charm spell has worn off.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:03 2000] Your feet move faster.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:03 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:04 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 15 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:04 2000]
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:05 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:07 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 60 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:07 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo's eyes glaze over.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:09 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:10 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:10 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 18 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:10 2000] You think you are heading South.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:10 2000] a hermit tries to kick Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:12 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:12 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:12 2000]
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:12 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch a hermit, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:14 2000] a hermit begins to cast a spell.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:15 2000] You think you are heading SouthWest.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:15 2000] Your feet move faster.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:15 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:15 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 41 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:15 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch a hermit, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:17 2000] You think you are heading SouthWest.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:18 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:18 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches a hermit for 76 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:19 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:19 2000] a hermit tries to kick Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:20 2000] You think you are heading West.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:21 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch a hermit, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:21 2000] Your feet move faster.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:22 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:22 2000] Your charm spell has worn off.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:23 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:24 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo tries to punch YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:24 2000]
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:25 2000] a hermit tries to punch YOU, but YOU dodge!
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:26 2000] a hermit begins to cast a spell.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:26 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo punches YOU for 47 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:27 2000] a hermit's eyes glaze over.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:27 2000] You think you are heading West.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:27 2000] a hermit tries to cast a spell on you, but you
are protected.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:29 2000] Vhalen Nostrolo was pierced by thorns.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:29 2000] a hermit kicks Vhalen Nostrolo for 5 points of
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:31 2000] You have no idea what direction you are facing.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:33 2000] You must first select a target for this spell!
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:33 2000] Your song ends.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:34 2000] a hermit tries to punch Vhalen Nostrolo, but
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:34 2000] You slow down.
[Sat Feb 12 19:40:35 2000] a hermit says 'Your act of murder will not go
unnoticed by the Unkempt Druids or nature itself!!

So, Vhalen has triumphed over the forces of evil that stole his life's work
and happiness. Unfortunately, he seems a bit confused about the bardette
and her role in the whole thing and now she makes haste for the stone bridge
and an escape from this madness. "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Sylly Songsynger
Bardette of 46 songs
<The Pantheon>
somewhere on Innoruuk...