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Message ID: 14983
Date: Wed Feb 16 01:11:41 GMT 2000
Author: Rob Noble
Subject: Re: Weapon choices..


Just joined the list today, and I happened to notice a thread that I'd
posted on at the Concert Hall Website
(http://www.attcanada.net/~reaper/) regarding weapon effectivness.

What I learned here came from the SK Website over at EQStractics, but I
decided to apply it to bards because it made sense (To my limited
knowledge that is)

To sum up what they had learned:
The hit you make the most often, the mode, (thank you Kaearia) is
considered tha 'Magic Number' (MN). This number over a large enough
sample size shows up to be 20% (Approx) higher than any other damage
amt. The way to figure out this MN is a set formula which we're all
familiar with (possibly)

MN = (wep dmg * 2) + ((lvl - 25)/3)

The first part (wep dmg * 2) determines the base dmg caused by the
weapon, the second part ((lvl - 25)/3) is the bonus you get as you
progress up levels. At lvl 50, you get a +8 bonus (Always round down.)

Ok.. now you know what the dmg you can cause in one swing on average is.

If you take this number and divide it by the delay of the weapon, you
now have an effective way to compare the weapons between levels.

MN = (wep dmg * 2) + ((lvl - 25)/3)/dly

When you look at this on a spreadsheet, it makes some really interesing
facts come to life, such as:
Compare Bladed Thulian Claws to a Silvery War Axe at both Lvl 25 and
then at 50.
LVL 25 LVL 50
Thulian Claws 37 18
Silvery War Axe 34 24

Or take the Mithrill Quill compared to a Obsidian Shard
LVL 25 LVL 50
Mith Quill 88 36
Obsidian Shard 54 42

Or, one of the most shocking IMHO.
LVL 25 LVL 50
SS o Ykesha 17 17
Shark Tooth 31 14

If anyone cares to take a look at the spreadsheet for themselves feel
free. The website where you can find it is at

A few disclaimers first though...
* This formula is only valid for characters over lvl 25, I don't know
the formula for characters under 25
* Proc's are -NOT- factored in in any way shap manner or form. I'm
trying to figure out a way that I can.
* The format for the spreadsheet is Excel 97
* There are a bunch of blanks. If you could all help me fill it it,
it'd be appreciated. =)

Hope you enjoy what I created, and I hope you are able to put it to good

--Banyon, wandering minstral of 15 songs.