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Message ID: 15256
Date: Tue Feb 22 18:55:29 GMT 2000
Author: John Tatsukawa
Subject: RE: Veratn vs. Star Trek (From the Cleric's List)

Hmm, this might have been funny, but gee, all of the grammatical typos and
misspellings (I mean, geez, "Captian"!) drove me crazy. Even so, this was
just a rant of Verant's nerfs. I was hoping to see the Star Trek crew
interact with players in Norrath. :-P


> -----Original Message-----
> From: srutkowski@... [mailto:srutkowski@...]
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 7:15 AM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Veratn vs. Star Trek (From the Cleric's List)
> From: srutkowski@...
> Thought I'd share this little adventure with you all.
> Ailamil
> Captian Kirk- "Captian's Log: Stardate 2134.
> Recently we have encountered a weak transmission from an
> unknown source.
> The
> signal is very primitave in its technology and far to weak to
> decode at
> this
> time. We are entering the Gamma Quadrant in hopes of tracking down the
> source of this mysterious transmission. Kirk out."
> Mr Spock peers into his scope, green light covers the upper
> part of his
> face
> as waves and lines scramble across numorous monitors.
> Spock- "Captian, it appears as if this signal is coming from
> a planet in
> the
> Sony system. A small inhospitible planet full of noxious gasses called
> Verant X."
> Captian Kirk- "What sort of intelligent life form could live in such a
> place? Mr. Sulu, set up the deflector dish array with an ion
> pulse to help
> pinpoint the transmission source."
> Mr Sulu- "Aye Captian."
> Lt. Uhura- "Captian, Im getting a much stonger signal now."
> Captian Kirk- "Onscreen."
> the crew is stunned to see a humanoid life form on the screen
> smiling at
> them all.
> Abashi- "Hiya gang! I am Abashi from Verant X!"
> Captian Kirk- "We intercepted your signal. Are you in need of
> assistance?"
> Abashi- "No, silly. The signal you intercepted, as you so
> quaintly put it,
> God I just love roleplaying, was actually an enhancement to
> your ship we
> were patching to you. You didnt really need to respond."
> Captian Kirk- "I dont understand...enhancement? What have you
> done to my
> ship? Shields up! Red alert!"
> Abashi- "Oh stop..you dont even know if youll like it or not. We just
> thought that warp speed was a little too unbalancing. The Klingons and
> Romulans dont get to go nearly that fast. Trust me, its only
> a small change
> to your speed. Maybe 10% to 50%."
> Captian Kirk- "Scotty! I want a complete report on all warp
> drives. I want
> to know what this fiend has done to us!"
> Mr Scott- "Aye Captian"
> Abashi- "Oh youre not going to start whining now are you? I
> just hate it
> when people whine."
> Mr Spock- "Captian, I am not certian, but it would appear
> that our forward
> shields have been reduced to almost half their normal power."
> Captian Kirk- "What??? You, you Abashi being, why are you
> doing this? We
> came to aid you and you attack us?"
> Abashi- "Oh gee...you are going to whine now arent you. Well,
> I guess I'll
> just have to call you a whiner then. Whiner!"
> Captian Kirk- "Mr Chekov, arm all photon torpedo bays and fire!"
> a moment of scilence...
> Captian Kirk- "Mr Chekov?? Where is Mr Chekov? What have you done with
> him??"
> Abashi- "Oh...well we here at Verant decided that you really
> didnt need
> him.
> All he did really was shoot your guns, so we felt for the
> sake of balance
> that you could live without the extra crewman."
> Mr Scott- "Captian..I dont believe my eyes. We left dock with
> a full supply
> of dilithium crystals, and now were down to almost nothing! I dont
> understand what is going on."
> Captian Kirk- "Why are you doing this? Who are you really?!?"
> Abashi- "I told you, Im Abashi from Verant X. This is my
> leader, Brad."
> Brad- "Hi..I hope you like the new improved Enterprise!"
> Captian Kirk- "No I...hey, whered he go??"
> Abashi- "Oh, hes a very busy guy. He doesnt like to mingle
> with the lesser
> beings."
> Captian Kirk- "Ive had enough of this. Mr Spock, form an away
> team. Were
> going down there to meet these _things_ face to face!"
> Mr Spock- "Aye Captian."
> A few minutes later in the transporter room...
> Mr Spock- "Fascinating, it would appear that half of our crew
> has vanished
> without a trace, and the only reasoning for this is the
> Abashi creatures
> word "balance"."
> Captian Kirk- "I know Spock...but what does he mean by it?
> What sort of
> balance could he mean?"
> Dr McCoy- "Jim, I got here as fast as I could. I had a
> patient that was
> only
> half there and I'll be damaned if all of my tools were missing!"
> Captian Kirk- "Everyone put on your gasmasks...Alright Mr
> Scott, beam us
> down."
> A shrill sound spurs the machine into action as Kirk, Spock,
> McCoy, and
> three nameless redshirts vanish in a sparkling mist...
> Upon materializing onto the Verant X surface loud screams are heard...
> Captian Kirk- "What happened?!?"
> Mr Spock- "It would appear that they were instantly killed
> just as they
> materialized onto the surface."
> Captian Kirk- "Why? Why are we still alive? I see nothing
> around us that
> would have done this and left us here."
> Dr McCoy- "Theyre dead Jim."
> The three survivors look around in astonishment at the unforgiving
> surroundings. Craggy rocks jutt out of the surface of the
> planet. Various
> colors of mist and gas swirl around gaping holes. Hissing
> noises and the
> bubbling of super heated liquids are the only sounds...
> On a very primitave intercom loud speaker, Abashi's voice
> pierces the men
> like a rusty nail...
> Abashi- "Ok guys, how do you like our newest addition to the planet?"
> Captian Kirk- "You just killed three of my men damn you!"
> Abashi- "Oh dont start whining again please. Just get over
> it..its no big
> deal."
> Captian Kirk- "No big deal? Where are you! Come out here and face us!"
> ..brief silence...
> A sudden whirring noise is heard and McCoys arms vanish from his body,
> *poof*
> Captian Kirk- "My God man! What are you doing to us!?!?"
> Abashi- "Were making it better. We know what were doing, you
> dont. I wont
> talk to you anymore if you keep insulting me."
> Dr McCoy- "Damnit! Im a doctor not a circus freak! How can I
> operate with
> no
> arms? My patience will all die!"
> Abashi- "Well, we took away your arms because you were fixing
> everyone too
> easily. BUT...we did give you three extra toes to compensate for it."
> Captian Kirk- "Three extra toes?? How is this supposed to
> help him or us?
> Youve killed off half my crew, youve left my ship crippled
> and open to any
> attack! What sort of beings are you??"
> Abashi- "I told you to stop telling us what is best for
> you...we know all
> about what is best."
> suddenly Mr Spock starts weeping uncontrollably....
> Captian Kirk- "What have you done to Spock?!?!"
> Abashi- "Nothing...we never touched him. I dont know what
> youre talking
> about, infact I think youre just making it all up so we will give you
> something for free. Your just a whiner!"
> Captian Kirk- "Im telling you! Hes a Vulcan, he isnt supposed to cry,
> laugh,
> or have any emotions damn you!"
> Abashi- "Oh wait...youre right. We took out his emotions
> because we thought
> that not having any made him too effective under pressure, so now all
> Vulcans will have emotions...but they are only little ones."
> Mr Spock is still weeping like a baby, now curled up on the
> ground in a
> fetal position, Dr McCoy is running around bumping into walls because
> shortly after his arms were taken, his eye lids were made to
> only stay open
> for 2 minutes every 24 hours....
> Captian Kirk- "Damn you!!!"
> Abashi- "I dont know what youre getting all upset about
> really. Its all so
> things will be better from now on. Trust us."
> Captian Kirk- "Mr Scott! Beam us up now!"
> Mr Scott breaks through on the comlink with a scratchy transmission...
> Me Scott- "Captian, Im getting an error from the transporter.
> Its telling
> me
> it cannot beam you up!"
> Captian Kirk- "What??? Ok, Abashi...what have you done now??"
> Abashi- "Oh, did I forget to tell you?..you need a redshirt
> in your party
> inorder to beam in or out of here."
> Captian Kirk- "What?? Our men died as soon as they teleported
> down! How do
> you expect us to get out??"
> Abashi- "I know...its quite the challenge isnt it? Heh heh heh."
> Mr Spock is still on the ground crying, Dr McCoy has gotten
> his leg stuck
> in
> some sort of crater, and Captian Kirk, sweating profusely yells....
> The end?
> Zyrixx Daemonix
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