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Message ID: 15400
Date: Thu Feb 24 19:53:30 GMT 2000
Author: kim@stormhaven.org
Subject: Re: Bard Hate (was Permafrost King Room)

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Sylly Songsynger wrote:
> All in the same fight? Am I reading this right? You were fighting Lady Vox
> and 3 other mobs?

Ok, the gory details.

We got Vox down to about 20%. Out of my group, only the
enchanter and I were left, me at a bubble and half and she at
a bubble. There were about a dozen people still alive, maybe
a half dozen of them melee so I joined in the melee attack.
Then the priest of Nagafen respawned (this was our 4th
attempt) and attacked me. I quickly got knocked to *NO* red
showing on my hp bar. I figured the middle of Vox's lair
would not make for good corpse recovery so I walked away to
find nice place to die.

For some reason the priest stopped attacking me. I found
myself next to the enchanter (at a half bubble now) so I
switched to healing both of us to give her a better chance of
being able to gate out. I got myself up to a bubble, her to a
bubble and half, took another Vox AE breath attack, dropped to
half bubble, and walked further out of range. The priest
attacked me again, so I took a couple swipes (I think I
punched that time :), dropped to *NO* red showing again,
turned and walked away so I'd die outside of Vox's lair, and
the priest left me again.

I found the enchanter again, healed both of us a bit. I was
expecting to get summoned at any moment but for some reason it
never happened. A couple of the returning casters brought
some goblins and giants, so I went to pull those off them.
Lost the enchanter at this point (she fell into a pit and
ended up gating out). I was still expecting to be summoned so
I wasn't trying to engage the giant and goblins, just pull
them off the others so they'd have time to run/gate/whatever.
So every new goblin that came in I'd rush to attack, which
slowly led me to the king room.

I didn't know what to do. Like Crier, I had never considered
the possibility of me living while everyone else died. I
figured Vox was impossible in our current state, especially
with the priest there (remember, living was completely new to
me so it didn't occur to me until later that all these casters
were coming in full mana :). I kept attacking goblins that
were being pulled in, which brought me to the flag room.
There, someone with a giant on them ran past me (I was walking
the entire time :), and the giant latched on to me. So I
shouted "giant to zone" and walk/jumped to the zone. Somehow
I made it.

So we started off fighting Vox alone, but ended up fighting a
bunch of other stuff.

Btw, bards make pretty good tanks with 2260 hp. Don't think
I could've tanked Vox alone though. :)

John H. Kim