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Message ID: 15756
Date: Mon Mar 6 18:07:47 GMT 2000
Author: Reeves, Patrick W
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Level 22 woes (or why Unrest STILL sucks) LONG

Get out of Unrest.

Go to either South Karana, Lake Rathe, or Ocean of Tears and hunt Avaiks
using All-Instrument attack. You will hit 25 in no time. Once you hit 25
you can do the Basement in Highpass Keep till 32 :)

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server

EQ Bard Song Analysis

-----Original Message-----
From: Talies the Wanderer [mailto:snicker@...]
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 10:08 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Level 22 woes (or why Unrest STILL sucks) LONG

From: Talies the Wanderer <snicker@...>

Well, I logged in my Level 22.5 bard last night for the first time in about
2 months (I've been playing a bunch of other classes for fun)
I'd put Talies away because of all the frustration that last few times I'd
played him. Just FYI, he *was* 23rd once...
His current equipment:
All armour is bronze except for:
Blackened Iron Crown, Bracer of Erollisi, Purity Belt, Banded Sleeves, 2
strength rings, 2 strength earrings, Grotesque Mask, so AC and STR aren't a
problem. He's actually not overloaded, either, so that's no big deal.
He's also got a combine Longsword and a Dragoon Dirk for combat, and no
magical instruments, though he does carry one each of the normal ones.

He's got two "sets" for songs for combat:
Set 1: Outdoors/open areas (Instruments only)
A) Chords of Dissonance
B) Hymn of Restoration
C) Denon's Disruptive Discord
D) Selo's Accelerando
E) Largo's Melodic Binding
F) Shauri's Sonorous Clouding
G) Guardian Rhythms
H) Elemental Rhythms

Set 2: Indoors/tight quarters (combat bard)
A) Anthem de Arms
B) Hymn of Restoration
C) Jaxon's Jig o' Vigor
D) Selo's Accelerando
E) *varies*
F) Shauri's Sonorous Clouding
G) Guardian Rhythms
H) Elemental Rhythms

So, last night I logged on, I was on Faydwer, and didn't want to leave the
continent (not having a whole bunch of time to get a bind somewhere else),
so I went to Unrest. Found a group in no time (hurrah for bards), group
was 1 Necro, 1 Cleric, 1 Ranger a Warrior (I think) and me. No problem -
the Warrior, the Ranger and the Necro's pet can tank, while the Cleric and
I support. The Warrior was pulling.
The Warrior died on the first pull (trained/rooted), the Necro decided to
leave. The Ranger got an XP res. We filled in the missing spots, while
waiting for the Warrior to return, with another Necro and a Wizard. This
time, (since they seemed to think I can't get rooted) I was assigned to
pull duty. I'm not very familiar with the area, so after scouting the
whole ground floor (emtpy), I hear about the two new members and zoom back
to check them out. When I get back, the Warrior appears and starts looting
his corpse. Suddenly, we get an "Inc RED" from the Ranger. He dies. Um -
wasn't I pulling? Anyway, naturally, we had to wait for the Ranger, so
while we were waiting, I scouted again, this time up to the second
floor. "Hey, guys, what's a "Khrix Fitchoff" "BAD BAD BAD!!! Don't
touch! That's what killed the Ranger!" "Um - okay - he's not bothering
me." I guess Necro's don't mind Bards.
Anyway, we decided to camp the ghoul magi room. We all get there (except
the Ranger, who is still on his way back), and all of a sudden "A Skeletal
Monk hits you for 75. A Skeletal Monk hits you for 49." I looked around,
no monk. I ran to the other side of the room - how nice, a ghoul. We
start smacking it down (I'm just healing at this point) and the ghoul gets
out of the room - no one can seem to get a snare or root to stick. Oh, how
nice, just outside the room are two MORE ghouls, and a werebat. And
EVERYTHING is beating on the poor Bard. FLEE. DIE.
Okay, I get back, and first thing I hear is "Don't run, next time." Gee,
thanks. Run back to Unrest, find my corpse, loot and get back into Magi
Room. Ranger starts to come for his bodies (yes, two - his first time
back, Khrix killed him) and Khrix goes aggro on him AGAIN. For some
reason, Khrix REALLY hates the Ranger, so we decide to go outside.
On the wall, the usual bard hate summons us a Skeletal Monk and Undead
Knight - no pull necessary. I was just standing there, and blammo - there
they were. As we're beating on them, a wave of lag hits the zone,
disconnecting our party one by one. I jumped in to take the monk off of
the Ranger (the only one left tanking at this point) and he manages to
finish off the Knight by himself, while I get the monk down to half (not
bad for a Bard, actually). He and I play ping pong with the monk, but he's
too chicken to solo the monk the rest of the way (we're both at two
bubbles) so he backs off to let the monk beat on me while he heals
himself. Naturally, I died.
Come back, lost the Warrior, everyone else is disconnected. Wizard decides
to leave. Go collect my corpse, and the cleric starts reassembling a party
from what's left in the zone - a lot of people got disco'd
apparently. Nice lag-storm. At least I was the only one in the party who
We juggle 3 or 4 people who decide to leave immediately for other
groups. Oh well. I'm very disappointed and frustrated - no
positive experience yet, and not even a chance to loot a bracelet. We
finally flesh out the party with a Druid and a Shaman (who decides
shrinking is cool). So the 6 of us tiny people go take the round room by
the back door, since it's not camped. I can't seem to find anything to
pull, so the Ranger gets sow'd and pulls a nice bunch of ghouls, DBS's and
a Werebat. Amazingly, we survive (I was only healing so that was the only
song I was using). Next pull, I fire up my combat songs - DOH! Wrong
songs! "A Ghoul Magi's Pet winces, A Ghoul Magi Winces, A Carrion Ghoul
Winces, A Carrion Ghoul Winces" RUN!!!!! ZONE!!!! Safely zoned. Come
back, apologize, we try one more time. This time, we collect a train. I
die first, so does the necro, party disintegrates. My corpse is still in
the house, and there's no one willing to help. Fortunately, it's just
inside the back door, so I go, corpse it out to the back wall. As I'm
bending down to pick up my stuff, "A Carrion Ghoul hits you for 30! A
Carrion Ghoul begins to cast a spell! You are Stunned. You are Rooted!"
Everytime I tried to run, I clicked on my corpse again and opened it up,
and couldn't seem to get my view reset. My girlfriend left the room at
this point, sick of the invectives I was throwing at the screen. So, I
die, two feet from my other corpse.
All told, 4 deaths, so I head back to BB and camp - time to go play a
character who can actually gain experience.

So - there you have it. Any suggestions before I delete him? I think if
I can just get to 23rd, things will be much easier, with chains...

Talies the frustrated.

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