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Message ID: 15878
Date: Wed Mar 8 23:43:55 GMT 2000
Author: JasonF
Subject: RE: [eqbards] MM anyone? (rather longish)

Ok, sorry it took me a bit longer than I thought to write up my Mistmoore
Castle comments. Been busy getting things done in my current zone.

As Sylly said, by far the best way to pull mobs in Mistmoore Castle is to
have a 49/50 player doing it so that they can pull single green (to them)
mobs. Druids are good because they can wolf form, heal and have both good
DoTs and nukes that they can use.

Here's how I did what you're doing at level 40/41 with a 50th Druid:

Invis and enter the castle through the front door (there are back ways in
but they're more complex). You must turn either right or left and walk
around to the foyer area. Once there, you will see a short corridor leading
further into the castle. Go down this corridor (just a few paces) and turn
left. Before you, you will see a short hallway with an opening on your
almost immediate right. If you move up a couple of paces and look to your
right you will be looking into the ballroom where the Gypsy Musicians spawn,
as well as Mynthi Davissi who carries both the Lute of the Gysy Princess and
the Mistmoore Battle Drums. Don't go in just yet. Instead move forward a
couple of more paces and you will see a blank section of wall on your right,
and just a bit further a door on your right. That door leads into the
Negotiator's room and has a rediculous number of mobs in it. The blank
section of wall to your right is actually a secret wall. Turn right and
move through the secret wall and you will find yourself in a long narrow
hallway that runs between the ballroom and the Negotiator's room. On Fennin
Ro this was called the "Safe Hall" because no mobs spawn here and there is
only one lower level Familiar that we ever saw path through here on a
patrol. This was always our base camp for pulling mobs from the ballroom.
If you follow the hall all the way to the other end you will exit into the
Gargoyle Hall. To your left will be another entrace to the Negotiator's
room, and to your right will be a set of double doors that lead into the
ballroom. Mynthi Davissi spawns on this double-door end of the room, so we
normally set up camp on this end of the hall, and behind the secret wall.
The Druid then leaves the Safe Hall, turns right, opens the double doors and
fires a DoT or nuke onto the mob that you want. This is important since
you're lower level: He then pulls the mob into the Safe Hall where you kill
it. If you go into the hall or ballroom and attempt to fight the mob(s)
there, you WILL die when the Gargoyle Hall and everything in the ballroom
jumps you. If you're lucky the Negotiator room won't come, but you'll still
die. You simply repeat pulling in this manner all night long.

Pointers and observations:

It's a long, long way to the zone but I made it several times. MM is
outdoors so keep Selo's memmed and a "Train to zone!" hotkey handy.

Mynthi Davissi is an enchanter. If it's a two man operation like I had and
your Druid gets charmed, expect a couple of Starfires to hit you. As a bard
it's your job to make sure that your Magic Resist is as high as you can get
it when fighting her. Even so, as John Kim noted some months ago he got
charmed with his MR over 200. Expect a charm or two to happen and be
prepared to run for the zone creating one of those epic MM trains or die.
If you're in a larger group you can probably deal with a charm better than
if you're in a smaller group. My 50 Druid was charmed more than once. Load
Pixie Strike and be prepared to use it to interrupt Mynthi and other party
members should they get charmed.

DO NOT sing songs when your puller goes to pull, even if he is a 50. I
stressed this to my Druid several times, but he kept forgetting. Twice I
didn't stop my songs in time when I saw him leaving the Safe Hall and
everything out there aggrod onto him despite his level. Of course those
mobs didn't go for him, they came for me. It's not impossible for a 50 to
die in there if things go wrong. My Druid came very close at least twice.

DO NOT press up against (physically "touch") either of the walls in the Safe
Hall while you're singing. Twice, for no apparent reason, the entire
Negotiator's room aggrod on me through that wall despite the fact that we
were just sitting there medding and I was singing nothing but Clarity. Both
of those times I was in contact with the wall adjoining that room. After I
figured it out and stayed off the walls while singing everything went fine.

Maybe hire someone in the zone to hold some flutes for you, or put some in
your general inventory slots and lose a duel at your bind point over in
Greater Faydark. Leave the flutes on your corpse and create a flute holding

At night Mynthi Davissi spawns as a werewolf and is *not* an enchanter. In
this form she was green to me at 40/41. Therefore, she is easier to kill if
she spawns at night. However, you have to kill the gypsy Mynthi in order
for her to be respawning at night as a werewolf. She doesn't just turn into
one at 8pm or something.

The lute that Mynthi drops is the "Lute of the Gypsy Princess". It *is not*
the lute for the Lambent Breastplate quest. The one you need is on the
other generic "a gypsy musician" that are in the ballroom. They visibly
hold the lute when they have one. The Lute of the Gypsy Princess used to be
a part of the Electrum Bladed Wakizashi quest, but the quest was changed and
the lute left in. It has no special effect.

Every time I've killed Mynthi she has been visibly holding either the Lute
or the Drums, but some have reported killing her and receiving stuff that
wasn't visibly equipped. Drums are the rare drop, but they're not

The gypsies will drop werewolf talons that you can use for the warrior
Crafted Breastplate quest, so you might be able to enlist some warriors to
help with that as enticement...

I wish you the best of luck. This is not an easy camp and Mistmoore remains
buggy, but let me tell you... You will never be as satisfied with any piece
of gear as you will be with those drums if you loot them yourself. It's
very satisfying.

[48 Bard] Crier (Half Elf) <Seekers of Norrath> ZONE: work