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Message ID: 16100
Date: Tue Mar 14 22:03:04 GMT 2000
Author: Danny Craigg
Subject: speff.dat

Lyrnia wrote:

Stop worrying. SPDAT.EFF is a farcical file at best. As a matter of fact
GZ posted a bunch of false data in it _on purpose_ because they don't want
people knowing what's going in for Kunark.

The stuff going in for test is for testing. I seriously doubt half of
what's listed goes into final.

Even if SPDAT.EFF were /completely/ farcical, why don't bards deserve to be
"farced" as much as the other classes?

I am a bit grumpy over the fact that there are still core songs missing.
Back in May when I started my bard, it didn't bother me, because I assumed
by the time I reached 50 (two nights ago) the missing songs would be there.
Probably the most annoying thing is that before my mid-30's, most every song
I received was different than any other song I had, whereas the songs
achieved after my mid-30's are basically reincarnations or enhancements of
something I could already do. My selection of the bard was based on his
diversity, and I just don't personally feel that my songs allow me to be any
more diverse at level 50 than I was at level 32 -- I feel that I'm basically
just an improved level 32.

Now, that said, I've heard all the varying lines from GZ about the missing
songs, from "coming soon" to "left for expansion [not meaning the expansion
pack]" to "the songs we have slated can't be done without some changes that
will occur with the expansion pack." Personally, I believe GZ was blowing
smoke with that last comment, but since he said, there [*explicitive*] well
better be songs for the 3 currently missing slots.

I'll not going to comment on the one-every-other-level rumor, since I really
haven't heard any credentials mentioned. However, I don't see any reason
why we shouldn't /expect/ Verant to have a new song for us for every level
in the expansion pack. The fact that there are no bard songs on the test
server is probably most alarming simply because (1) we're still missing
songs from the core product almost one full year after release, and (2)
Niv's [47] was in the speff.dat for at least a couple months before it ever
got approved by QA and released on the live servers.

Basically, I believe we are entitled to be very worried, strictly based on
Verant's track record over the past year. Are there going to be new songs
by expansion pack time? I believe there will be. Are they going to be well
thought out and creative? Honestly, I highly doubt it.

Raiel Kendan, The Grump