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Message ID: 1615
Date: Tue Jun 8 01:32:21 BST 1999
Author: Brian Dickens
Subject: Re: Galtin's Underwater Demise

>>I have to tell you, this story hits me hard. Somethign very similar
happened to me. I will tell you what I have learned.

1) Was getting stuck in the zone barrier a bug or what was supposed to

>>I don't think it was supposed to happen, though I do know (not from
experience however) that you can only cross the zone while you are on
the boat, and only the boat. The rowboats don't cut it.

2) Since my corpse is right at the zone border, will I get stuck again
if I
try to retrieve it? Can I use the /corpse command underwater to pull
corpse away from the zone border?

>>I died in the middle of the ocean of tears under similar
circumstances. My video froze up, and when I started back, I was under
water. My mistake was trying to remomorize the Jig while at the surface
of the water. Man, that was a big mistake. Anyway, when I found my
corpse, I was able to /corpse it to the surface and loot from there.
Took me a few times because I was losing air while looting, but didn't
have to come up from the bottom when I stopped. Of course, I happened
to be in a relatively shallow part of the water.

3)Will the locate corpse zone still point you in the
direction even if you are not in the same zone as the corpse you are

>>In my experience, the song keeps playing, but the massage says
sopmething along the lines of, "you sense no corspes in this zone."
Something like that.

4) What is the most likely explanation for the character walking on the
bottom of the ocean? Another player or just another bug?

>> Can't answer this. Sorry

5) At the time I drowned, there were no GMs online for me to
Assuming one is online the next time I play, will they automatically
retrieve my corpse for me since it is at the bottom of the ocean? I
hope so because I don't relish the idea of having to go back to
retrieve it.

>> Good luck. Maybe having the GM follow you to see if there is a bug
is a good idea. When I drowned, I petitioned as it was the fault of the
game locking up on me. (I have since theorized that it locked up due to
my video cards over heating, though that is still a guess). The GM told
me that he would not help me because the servers never came down. He
said it would be a grand adventure, and that I should have someone cast
water breathing on me to help me out. I was pretty mad about that, but
seeing as how I ended up recovering my corpse, I ended up pretty happy
about it. I even ended up with a cool story to tell.

That is all,

Travelling bard from Qeynos

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