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Message ID: 16484
Date: Tue Mar 21 15:21:12 GMT 2000
Author: Kevin L. Crawford
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: emergency: please read regarding new bard songs

> 1. A Stun. This would be awesome...but most likely broken since we need
> mana.

Never happen. Enchanter specialty. WAY too powerful for 0 mana

> 2. this one is a little bizarre..dunno if they can do it...a group Damage
> Shield that has a 2ndary effect (example: a Lightning-based Damage shield
> [shield of static? <grin>] that does X damage and the attacker has to save
> be stunned for 3 sec or something.)
> ...i am big on the idea of a stun...

Again, never happen. ENTIRELY too powerful. It would totally unbalance us.
I could see bards soloing almost anything with this.

> 3. Bards need a party buff that directly adds to attack (ala grim aura,
> fists) . Probably would do other stuff too...dunno how to present that
as a
> viable idea.

Agreed, this would be an excellent addition to our repetoir of attack buff

> 4. we're missing the 39 song? How about a self-only vampiric
> song...where heal like 10% of the damage we do( in melee). dunno what the
> efficiency would have to be to make the song useable...John(tm)?

Actually I'd prefer an upgrade to our Charm song here so that we can charm
up to 49 and then make 51 another upgrade to charm. That should keep us in
our ability to charm.

> 5. Really bizarre...a flute based song...that summons a pet (preferably a
> giant rat) that should be a reasonable power level (like the shaman
> levels behind shaman) You could balance this by: making the song have to
> running continuous, with a 5 min repop on the button. Or, have it drain
> (like the shaman spell frenzy) and die when bard is at 0 mana.
> ...i was shooting for a pied piper type thing here.

Hmm... doubt that will happen. But it's worth a shot. Interesting concept
on the Frenzy parallel

> 6. I want an upgraded AE mez...with a built in DOT. <Grin> It drops the
> and then they have to make their Mez save...ok this one is stupid...but it
> sounded good before my morning coffee.

Hehe just a tad unrealistic there ;)

> Kaleid

I don't have many ideas of my own though. I like what we have and every
idea I've come up with just mirrors another song or spell already existing
in the game. I'd love to see our new songs be _unique_ to us.