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Message ID: 16842
Date: Mon Mar 27 15:32:58 BST 2000
Author: Webber, Jessica
Subject: RE: [eqbards] A very good weekend!

Cerulia wrote:
> I went from level 7 to level 10...not bad I dare say..:)

Grrr. Any idea how long those levels took me? <glares enviously at

> Anyway, after joining a derv group in N ro, I quickly began
> to notice that
> if I sing songs while someone is pulling that the mob will aggro on me
> instead.

Normal. In a good group it shouldn't STAY on you though.

> Also, during the fight the mobs would decide that I was a
> better target
> quite frequently.

Did you have another healer besides yourself? If it is at all possible,
don't sing hymn during battle. That song was probably your biggest taunt.
If you're the only healer & have to sing it in battle then put your Dirk
away <glares enviously at Cerulia for owning a dirk> and equip your lute.

> Our tank was a
> level 9 Paladin
> who
> was kind of irritating because he seemed to accidentally loot
> out of turn a
> lot..:P

That's one of the seven deadly sins that make me leave a group. The other 6
are not calling pulls, ignoring medding groupmates, not assisting pullers,
acting like a wizard if your not, not buffing if you can, and being rude to
other players.

> Plus he would say silly things like how "pimp" the soul fire
> looks..etc..

OK, I guess there's an eigth deadly sin: being kewl. ;^)

> Anyway I dont know if it was his lousy taunt or if bard songs
> ultra aggro
> mobs.

Probably the former. Although I'd check to make sure the paladin's got a
decent weapon, since you've got a dirk and are a level up on him. <glares
at Cerulia for owning a dirk>

> How about some group tactics for bards lessons?

Bah! By the time you get this you'll be level 11 and I'll go back to being
the list newbie! <glares enviously again>


Evulia, youngest bard on the list, again...