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Message ID: 169
Date: Thu Apr 22 17:36:54 BST 1999
Author: JR McConnell
Subject: A sad tale...

As I was practice my swimming in the small bathing pool near the wonderful
'Theater of the Tranquil' in Freeport. It is a good place to relax and
increase ones skill in swimming, I went from a 2 to a 18 in about 10
minutes. Anyway, as I was swimming I heard a desperate 4th level wizard
asking for help in finding his body. I felt I would help.

I met him at the west gate, and spoke which him. He had been ambushed by a
Kodak bear in the west commons. the attack had left him with nothing but his
spells. He asked for some food and help in finding his body. I gave some
iron rations and water. I was low my self, but I gave him what I could. the
run would be quick. I then used my Acceleration song and grouped with him so
we could run there faster and be able to outrun any danger.

Alas upon Reaching the divide at the edge of the west commons disaster hit.
My link to the server crashed. And I could not get back on. I tried for half
an hour! and nothing. I fear he was left in the western commons without
weapon, armor, or food other than the meager rations I gave. My heart sunk
into my boots...

I am sick over leaving him to fend for his self. I wish I knew what
happened to him. Did he try and succeed in finding his body? Did he return
to the city and look for me? Or find another that could help him? Please if
anyone meets a 4th level wizard in the city of Freeport named Ceen, or hear
tell of him, Please let me know if he is OK. Or if possible, if you meet him
please tell him how sorry I am for being forced out of the realm, and that I
wish to make it up to him in some way. I am truly heart sick for losing my
ward, and feel very melancholy over abandoning him like that.

Alas I now fear helping others, for having the same happen to them. for I
have no way of telling him it was unavoidable. So please, if anyone can,
relay my message...

- SnowLynx, [Most sad] gentleman bard of Freeport...